Driving in NY

There’s a drawbridge on the Hutch with no safety gates, just red lights. The temptation is very real

I haven't seen that thing open in over a decade. I don't even think there is water left under that bridge.
I haven't seen that thing open in over a decade. I don't even think there is water left under that bridge.
i love going over it when it's wet..
I haven't seen that thing open in over a decade. I don't even think there is water left under that bridge.
It’s not often but I’ve been stuck there at times. I was shocked at how big a ship fit through that little trickle last time.
Subaru outback with snowtires..i passed everyone today..slowly but still passed them...can't take non stop brake lights in my face..and for no reason..we're doing 25.
I was the first car caught on the Northway behind 3 snow plows on my way to Gore last week. They let a cluster of cars just ahead of me through but they put me on my brakes pretty hard. They got on at exit 17 and it was 30 mph all the way to Warrensburg. That was torture.
