Coronavirus and Skiing

That has nothing to do with the fact that you are not entitled to your own chair. Even last year, if you went somewhere that wasn't ORDA, singles were expected to pair up on the bigger lifts.
I think you are going to be disappointed. It's pretty clear that we're heading back to masking and distancing. I just hope there's no parking reservations like last season.
You're mistaking thoughtfulness for fear. We all need to be mindful of those around us, if not, we very well may shut down again.
Ripitz has every right to protect his family and those around him. Even if it means you wait for the next chair. Mmmmmmk lil buckaroo?
Oh no, the evil single rider is trying to kill him. Go fuck yourself. All you ever do is pick a fight.
Amazing how many people want to blame somebody, when they don’t know shit about shit:
I'm convinced it came from the lab. There is enough information available to draw your own conclusion. Is it were reversed I'm pretty sure the US would cover it up to is they could.
Im weary of anyone that thinks their an expert on the coronavirus. If the past two years has proven anything it’s that the “authorities” often don’t know shit, the media doesn’t know shit and the majority of people seriously lack critical thinking skills.

Loco, take a lap buddy. We are facing much bigger problems right now then how ski lifts are going to be loaded this coming season.
Amazing how many people want to blame somebody, when they don’t know shit about shit:
Do you really think that article is a concrete source stating anything firmly factual or is that just some Confirmation bias for yourself?