Coronavirus and Skiing

LOOK for employers to extract pain for health insurance coverage costs for the unVaxxed .

There is little doubt insurance companies are already strategizing this scenario .

Been wondering about this. I read the average cost of covid hospital stay is $80k. Varies by age.
You are quite correct Harv , the cost is heavily skewed toward ICU CCU length of stay .

The real shame is that this was not necessary BUT now America is showing just how weak we have become in terms of being crucified on the cross of Individual Rights as opposed pulling together for the Common Good .

What was our strength before has become our Weakness , sorry to see this phenomena . It has burnt , ntoasted the morale of most all healthcare workers who now hav eto deal with this TOTALLY preventable third wave

They are tired , discouraged and frankly disgusted as am I with the intransegiance . I only hope we do not see waves of resignations
I agree with you, Warp. Given what my wife is telling me, our numbers in the hospital, and with SUNY getting ready to return, shit is getting ready to hit the fan. Again.
Campy she IS a hero , LOVE her dude , she NEEDS support , i see this daily with our local healthcare professionals they are working under TREMENDOUS pressure that could have been avoided except for bullheaded ignoramuses.

Sorry for the rant , its been a grind and we are all tired .
The moralization of covid was a huge mistake. We made people believe that they could stop covid when that was never possible, and when reality set in, it was demoralizing. People who want to live normally after being vaccinated are not inherently evil. Those who choose not to get vaccinated are not preventing others from living normally. They're taking an unnecessary risk, and it shows with 95% of hospitalizations being unvaccinated.
This is just it. These health care workers are exhausted, pissed, and almost to their breaking points. As I said in another thread, many coworkers of my wife are seriously thinking of just calling it quits. They can't take it anymore.
I know a lot of nurses that did just that this past year.

This isn’t that hard to believe.
Campy she IS a hero , LOVE her dude , she NEEDS support , i see this daily with our local healthcare professionals they are working under TREMENDOUS pressure that could
, The moralization of covid was a huge mistake. We made people believe that they could stop covid when that was never possible, and when reality set in, it was demoralizing. People who want to live normally after being vaccinated are not inherently evil. Those who choose not to get vaccinated are not preventing others from living normally. They're taking an unnecessary risk, and it shows with 95% of hospitalizations being unvaccinated.
Wrong , had the vaxrate been adequate say 75 per cent this would have been an ENDEMIC similar to the seasonal flu and maneageable . however the threat is palpable and exists when in fact these idiots cause secondery and tertiary surges that HEALTHCARE PROS MUST DEAL WITH .

That is fact not conjecture an due solely to the fact that others prioritized their own selfish bullheaded intransigence over the welfare of their fellow man and the result of which DOES effect other causing undue chaos in man already overtaxed healthcare delivery system.
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IMO it's certainly plausible it came out of the lab.

To me it's not plausible that the Chinese released it on purpose. That makes no sense.