Coronavirus and Skiing

Not that I care.....but technically you were in violation of the NY “requirements”. The 24 hour thing only applies to NY residents leaving the state for less than 24 hours. Even those people are supposed to do a couple things (fill out form, get test on fourth day after arrival). That said, as a traveler to NY from a non-contiguous state (NC), who I’m assuming was residing outside of NY for more than 24 prior to your trip, you should have quarantined during your visit. Technically, according to the requirements. There’s no exception (24 hour or contiguous state) that would’ve applied to a NC resident traveling to NY. Again, just observing what the rules say. I don’t really care that you may have violated said rules. It’s all a mess. If the right combo of snow and timing present themselves I’ll travel, and I’ll probably follow the rules as stated, for the most part.
Me neither but for someone so up on the virus mark does a lot of low risk traveling. I heard a couple different spots she could have spread it or caught it.
ditto on all points. I’m not promising anybody I won’t sneak into VT at some point either.
Just to clarify, I don’t care, I’m not judging you or anyone. Interesting to talk through the requirements and implications though.

Nothing specific in NY to address college students. There are exemptions for first responders and essential workers. NY doesn’t address travelers passing through the state on the way to elsewhere. Of course no business is going to tell any person traveling related to that business that they are violating anything. Don’t ask, don’t tell and honor system are fully in play.
I understand. Didn't take your comment as a rebuke. I've been making pretty deliberate decisions related to travel for my family since early March. We haven't stayed home and we haven't gotten sick. We go places where mask usage is the standard within 5 miles of our house and follow the same approach elsewhere. Spent a couple of months close to home from mid-March to mid-June learning as much as possible. The balancing game is just more complicated when there is a reason to go to a state with travel restrictions.

Glad to have someone willing to read the fine print for NY to see what it says, and what it doesn't say. I've been reading stuff for several states so it's hard to remember details and I don't really have the patience to go back and find the source document. Definitely are times when a news report about travel restrictions is not up to date.
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Here's an update for those interested in what's going on with skiing in Colorado. Colorado has a county-level approach. Recently added a color. Purple is when ski resorts might have to shut down. Several counties moved into Red in the last week or so, including Summit County. Eagle County is Orange where Vail and Beaver Creek are opening this week.

Have a couple friends with plans to ski at Steamboat and Winter Park in mid-December. A friend who lives in Denver can't decide whether to go skiing or not. Has a season pass to ABasin. Usually would start the season much earlier and is between jobs so could go midweek.
Umm, could you PM the original comment? Hate to miss any snark

I said something along the lines that a lot of the states rules and regulations feel more suggestive and not really anything that can be enforced. Then I said I’m thinking about doing some low key trips to ski back country lines.

then I was like, shoot, that might piss people off ?‍♂️

I said something along the lines that a lot of the states rules and regulations feel more suggestive and not really anything that can be enforced. Then I said I’m thinking about doing some low key trips to ski back country lines.

then I was like, shoot, that might piss people off ?‍♂️
I hear you, I’m in the same boat.

Some states threaten to have more teeth than others when it comes to travel “restrictions”. Very little is actually enforceable. Fortunately the places I’m thinking of going have suggestions on what travelers should do, but nothing as detailed/strict as NY.
The more I read this thread the more i realize how fucked we are as Americans. It all about me me me . This state or that one doesn't have travel restrictions so I'll go there etc.. There is hardly any disease in Asia , because people actually listen and care about their fellow man.
Is it so hard to sit an chill for a year? save a boat load of money if you are still employed and come out swing next year..Maybe even go heli skiing or the Alps with your saved up scratch...

Happy Turkey day!!
The more I read this thread the more i realize how fucked we are as Americans. It all about me me me . This state or that one doesn't have travel restrictions so I'll go there etc.. There is hardly any disease in Asia , because people actually listen and care about their fellow man.
Is it so hard to sit an chill for a year? save a boat load of money if you are still employed and come out swing next year..Maybe even go heli skiing or the Alps with your saved up scratch...

Happy Turkey day!!
IMO adhering to the spirit of taking safe precautions takes precedence over adhering to the letter of unenforceable laws.

Day tripping in ones own car with a brown bag lunch to ski in a mask, gloves and goggles while riding lifts only with ones family members - whether or not one crosses state lines to do so -has to be one of the least risky out of home activities imaginable. Way less risk than outdoor dining, a trip to a grocery store, or taking an unmasked walk around your block or in a local park.