Coronavirus and Skiing

The more I read this thread the more i realize how fucked we are as Americans. It all about me me me . This state or that one doesn't have travel restrictions so I'll go there etc.. There is hardly any disease in Asia , because people actually listen and care about their fellow man.
Is it so hard to sit an chill for a year? save a boat load of money if you are still employed and come out swing next year..Maybe even go heli skiing or the Alps with your saved up scratch...

Happy Turkey day!!
No Jason actually you ARE right on target ! America was based on the norm of rugged individualism with the individual taking prcedence over the group Whereas in many OTHER cultures the reverse is true . The Group takes prcedence over the individual .

So the IRony here is while initially That unique American notion spurred progress BUT ANY STRENGTH used to EXCESS , becomes a WEAKNESS .

So we are seeing that now with many not being capable of self discipline and who are putting their emotional neediness in precedent of group responsibility and emotional intelligence

A Zoom Thanksgiving is preferrable to an ICU Christmas
NY doesn’t address travelers passing through the state on the way to elsewhere.
I don't think they can. The federal government controls interstate travel. In fact, I think that is (part of) the reason these state restrictions are kind of unenforceable without federal legislation.

And, for the record, my ski season had started yesterday, the day before Turkey day, at K-mart for many many years, but alas, there is Covid and I went mountain biking with my best friend who is always ready to do what I want to do, my dog. :cry:?⛷️?‍♂️. (But even he likes to trample in the snow more than the dry woods!).
Pretty judgy there, boys. All these hills are changing the way they operate in big ways to make things more safe. So are you really claiming that somebody from Troy skiing at Magic is worse then somebody from Rutland? For the record, I’m having a four person thanksgiving here. My FIL is having a solo thanksgiving. Like most things we won’t know until it’s all over what was necessary and what was overkill but we’re all doing our best.
The more I read this thread the more i realize how fucked we are as Americans. It all about me me me . This state or that one doesn't have travel restrictions so I'll go there etc.. There is hardly any disease in Asia , because people actually listen and care about their fellow man.
Is it so hard to sit an chill for a year? save a boat load of money if you are still employed and come out swing next year..Maybe even go heli skiing or the Alps with your saved up scratch...

Happy Turkey day!!
That’s what makes this country the best, do what you want not what the government tells you to, go to Asia and do whatever they tell you and enjoy the fuglies there but please don’t tell people what to do that is not what this country is about
Pretty judgy there, boys.
As I pondered a few pages back, it was just a matter of time. All kinds of different people, with all kinds of different opinions, all across the spectrum, some understandably of the hunker down variety......but did Jason just praise China for its human rights/care about your fellow man track record? I’m not sure that’s a winning argument!:eek::p;)
did Jason just praise China for its human rights/care about your fellow man track record? I’m not sure that’s a winning argument!:eek::p;)
Maybe, but he‘s old school Rockland so he’s alright. The dude skied at Ski Stony Point fer chrissakes
I lied down in mine the other day. Seems fine esp with a small air pad. And, I was also thinking a roof pod would make it even more comfy by getting the skis etc up top.
I put a Thermarest mattress and as closed cell foam mattress in that bad boy and I'm good. I agree with you about the roof box, it would give a lot more room. But I don't like mounting it when traveling solo.... too big of a mileage penalty.
IMO adhering to the spirit of taking safe precautions takes precedence over adhering to the letter of unenforceable laws.

Day tripping in ones own car with a brown bag lunch to ski in a mask, gloves and goggles while riding lifts only with ones family members - whether or not one crosses state lines to do so -has to be one of the least risky out of home activities imaginable. Way less risk than outdoor dining, a trip to a grocery store, or taking an unmasked walk around your block or in a local park.
And I was going to road trip to go back country skiing. It could basically be done with zero contact except for maybe getting a hotel room.

cody and I went skiing yesterday morning. We had no close contact with anyone. People in line were distancing properly and wearing masks. There were plenty of tail gaters doing their thing in the lots. It seemed ok. We only stayed for 3 hours and stayed away from the rest rooms. That’s probably the catch, the parking lots are likely to see a large increase in human waste I imagine.
And I was going to road trip to go back country skiing. It could basically be done with zero contact except for maybe getting a hotel room.

cody and I went skiing yesterday morning. We had no close contact with anyone. People in line were distancing properly and wearing masks. There were plenty of tail gaters doing their thing in the lots. It seemed ok. We only stayed for 3 hours and stayed away from the rest rooms. That’s probably the catch, the parking lots are likely to see a large increase in human waste I imagine.
My approach to motel rooms is to stay where I can have an exterior door, so only in the lobby for check in. That's what my friends and I have reserved for skiing in CO this season.

As for rest rooms, if you are only in a building for 5-15 minutes and not standing still next to a masked stranger for more than a minute, it's highly unlikely that you would be exposed enough to get COVID-19 even if they have it and don't know it. Whether or not other people are masked, I stay as far away as practical. Even if that means waiting for someone to move or going a different way to get to where I'm going indoors.