Coronavirus and Skiing

So is it the mountains that you are worried about blowing you in or the rules themselves? Seems to me you could head over and head back in the same day as safely as visiting your mother in a nursing home.
In theory, if following the rules for NY can spend 24-hours in the state but not supposed to do anything. Just drove up to Lake Placid (from NC) to help my friend pick up her daughter from boarding school. We went shopping at Oscar's and the LL Bean Outlet in Queensbury on the way south. They are following all safety rules and everyone was masked properly. We stayed overnight in Albany at a motel. Did have the NY Travel Form filled out, which is mainly for potential contact tracing. The motel desk had the rules posted. All my friend was asked was whether or not she knew the rules existed. She wasn't asked about the reason for her trip or if she had filled out the NY Travel Form. We were in NY for just under 24 hours since I drove from NC to Albany on Fri and from Lake Placid to VA on Sat after the pick up.

As for PA, allowed to drive thru and make "essential" stops for gas and a restroom if not pre-testing and so on. Normally I would've stayed overnight in Carlisle or Chambersburg on the say south from Lake Placid.

There were no signs entering NY or PA about travel restrictions. Unlike VT.

MA and RI had similar issues with differing travel restrictions since there are a lot of people who live in RI and work in the Boston area. I assume that's why PA has an exemption for that type of situation.

Staying safe while driving is not that hard. No different that being careful about what stores to shop at locally.
Ikon and epic passes can be pushed off to the 2021-2022 ski season.
Ikon has a deferral option as long as it's not used. Don't have to decide until mid-April.

Not the same for Epic. If want a refund, need to decide before Dec. 8.
Brownski, you can go ski in PA...but you need to have a negative test within 72 hours of entering PA, as per current PA guidelines that went into effect Nov. 20. Make it a day trip and there are few hoops you are supposed to jump thru on the NY side.

There seems to be a fair amount of confusion regarding the current NY travel restrictions. The quarantine and testing requirements instituted by NY in October were further clarified in a memo dated November 3rd.

PA is a contiguous state and travelers from PA (along with NJ, CT, MA, and VT) are not subject to the requirements. A NY resident leaving NY is subject to certain requirements, depending upon how long they were outside of NY.

To be clear, regardless of who you are or where you are from, you can travel anywhere you want....but you will have to fill out the traveler form and will be subject to a 14 day quarantine upon entering NY.....unless (meaning you can avoid the 14 quarantine requirement if) you fit certain categories....

1) You are a NY resident and you leave NY for less than 24 hours. No need for negative test to return, no required quarantine upon return. You do, however, have to fill out the traveler form upon re-entry and obtain a diagnostic test on the 4th day after arriving home. At least that’s what the current requirements say you should do.

2) You are a NY resident and you leave NY for more than 24 hours, or you are traveling to NY from a non-contiguous state. Fill out the traveler form. To avoid the 14 day quarantine...get a negative test result within 3 days of arrival, quarantine for 3 days after arrival, get a negative test result the 4th day. Do that and you are free and clear. Don’t and quarantine for 14 days.
I could not find the PA contiguous state exemption.
It may be to late for this pandemic but if flow code was utilized this could really help the masses stay much safer.
I could not find the PA contiguous state exemption.
No contiguous states exemption for people entering PA. The NY Dept of Heath guidance memo issued Nov 3 defines contiguous states (including PA) and exempts them from the NY requirements.
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In theory, if following the rules for NY can spend 24-hours in the state but not supposed to do anything.
Not that I care.....but technically you were in violation of the NY “requirements”. The 24 hour thing only applies to NY residents leaving the state for less than 24 hours. Even those people are supposed to do a couple things (fill out form, get test on fourth day after arrival). That said, as a traveler to NY from a non-contiguous state (NC), who I’m assuming was residing outside of NY for more than 24 prior to your trip, you should have quarantined during your visit. Technically, according to the requirements. There’s no exception (24 hour or contiguous state) that would’ve applied to a NC resident traveling to NY. Again, just observing what the rules say. I don’t really care that you may have violated said rules. It’s all a mess. If the right combo of snow and timing present themselves I’ll travel, and I’ll probably follow the rules as stated, for the most part.
That said, as a traveler to NY from a non-contiguous state (NC),
Have you ever come across an exemption for NY related to families who need to pick up a college student? I know that existed for MA but didn't bother to look that hard for NY. There were already NY travel restrictions when my friend and her husband drove to LP to drop off their daughter. No one said then that they were violating rules. The school is being very careful, is quite small, has day students and boarders, and is in close touch with local public health authorities.

Pretty sure you are allowed to drive across NY in less than a day or in/out without staying overnight. The latter is what I did to pick up the new car earlier in Nov.

It's definitely confusing when travel restrictions for a state aren't clearly stated for residents returning from another state vs non-residents.

The state that I care about what it comes to travel restrictions is New Mexico. Not going to drive there for a planned trip to Taos in early Feb. If the current restrictions that require a 14-day self-quarantine with no pre-trip testing option stay in place, then that trip won't happen. I am part of a group of friends that currently includes seven people flying to Albuquerque from different states on the east coast. We have until mid-Jan to make a decision in order not to lose any deposit money for slopeside lodging. Made the plans during the summer, but cancelling has always been an possibility depending on the pandemic situation.
Just to clarify, I don’t care, I’m not judging you or anyone. Interesting to talk through the requirements and implications though.

Nothing specific in NY to address college students. There are exemptions for first responders and essential workers. NY doesn’t address travelers passing through the state on the way to elsewhere. Of course no business is going to tell any person traveling related to that business that they are violating anything. Don’t ask, don’t tell and honor system are fully in play.
No contiguous states exemption for people entering PA. The NY Dept of Heath guidance memo issued Nov 3 defines contiguous states (including PA) and exempts them from the NY requirements.
Gorgo was coming from PA. That's his home rules. I thought were talking his situation no?