Coronavirus and Skiing

In general, pretty clear that Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter are much more lately to have up-to-date info related to ski operations and the pandemic than webpages.

Masking indoors by everyone works to limit the chances of enough exposure for someone to get infected. With Omicron, it's pretty clear that there are far more breakthrough cases than with Delta. Most likely most Omicron breakthrough cases will be mild, even for people who have symptoms. However, there will be far more detected by testing and even more will go undetected. If people are sensible (hah!) then the ski season could be reasonably normal . . . assuming it starts snowing.
I kind of figure it will be like last season. For me, that means masking in the lift lines. I had been booting up in my car prior the pandemic, so that has never changed.
I wonder about this as well. I agree with you, but there's still those that will refuse because they're being "told" to get vaxed. Current mandates aren't working, imo, I feel they have a reverse effect making those against it dig in deeper. The one mandate that would work, imo, is to have all hospitals put those who are vaxed in front of the line for care, and those who aren't in the back of the line. It's time to seriously take care of those who are willing to help themselves and those around them vs those who are being selfish.
Skiing last Saturday at Wolf Creek, I used the Serius facemask/gaiter that I used last season. By Sunday when there were far fewer people because the new snow was skied off, I went back to what I was doing pre-pandemic. No line for the fixed grip chairs. Maybe 2-3 parties in front of the line for the detachables. So never standing still in a lift line.

Restrooms are relatively empty since most people around are locals. I've got a cloth mask around my neck but don't always put it up.
DUH... who doesn't like oral
That notwithstanding…..I doubt there are many who aren’t getting the vaccine because they don’t like shot, adults at least. IMHO the three prevalent reasons for those not getting vaccinated are 1) hesitancy based on the unknown potential future impacts of a “new” vaccine, 2) “Freedom”, nobody is going to tell me what I have to do, and 3) Politics, with many conservative political types not buying into COVID/vaccine stuff. I suppose you could add mRNA conspiracy theorists as a fourth. Of course those conspiracy theorists probably belong to groups 2 and 3 anyway. I know people in all four groups! I doubt an oral vaccine would change any of that.

I’ll be prepared to mask up indoors again this ski season. Just got my booster, hopefully that helps contribute to a continued COVID free run. Who knows?’
If we're still locking down 100% vaccinated college campuses like prisons, one must take a step back and ask what are we trying to accomplish? I don't believe anyone in charge could give you a clear answer. That's the problem with this whole thing. My opinion is that nothing is going to stop cases, but hospitalizations and deaths can be greatly reduced through high vaccination rates. I know it's hard in certain political climates, but elected officials, college presidents, etc need to realize that trying to stop transmission is not practical or sustainable and move on. An example of doing this the right way is Vermont. While they're repeatedly smashing case records, their hospitalizations and deaths per 100k are significantly lower than most states, and the governor is resisting calls to declare a state of emergency and bring back restrictions like mask wearing and capacity limits, even though cases are higher than when those restrictions were in effect. The rationale is that anyone who wants to be vaccinated is already, and it's unfair to punish those who are to protect those who aren't.
100% Vaccinated by Christmas. NO EXCUSES.

Sorry, Dude. Had to do it! ? I actually agree with you... 100%.