Coronavirus and Skiing

The whole world seems pretty burned out at this point, more so in healthcare...
Back to skiing and any impacts due to COVID-19 restrictions at ski areas?

From what I could tell from the webcams the people who were skiing in NC last weekend were having a very good time. Looking at the websites for a couple of the ski areas that are already open, there is no indication that COVID-19 exists. Ski school for kids is back. Major events are back. One ski area has COVID-19 info that is the Ski Well Be Well info from 2020-21.
Anyone hear how requiring vaccination at the Epic locations for cafeteria-style dining went last weekend?
I believe the ones who didn't even try will be politically unscathed, once it's realized that the areas with severe restrictions did not have better outcomes.
What is considered better outcome?
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I believe the ones who didn't even try will be politically unscathed, once it's realized that the areas with severe restrictions did not have better outcomes.
I think that's probably true, but it doesn't necessarily mean that restrictions and vaccine mandates aren't effective. It looks to me like the virus travels around the country like a wave between the south and the norteast and west. I also think that the only places where there is high compliance with restriction and high vaccination rates are the big cities, and they are doing better than you would expect given their high population density, but that's not apparent in State level data.

I also think that the only places where there is high compliance with restriction and high vaccination rates are the big cities, and they are doing better than you would expect given their high population density, but that's not apparent in State level data.
Have to look at county level data to see any patterns that explain why a region or state has had surges, or not. I'm still doing that but not going to post my thoughts or links about the pandemic during ski season.
My concern is panicky politicians imposing new restrictions as a knee jerk reaction, only to later find out later that it wasn't necessary, but the collateral damage can't be undone.
You mean like Hochul declaring a state of emergency in NY?
I think that's probably true, but it doesn't necessarily mean that restrictions and vaccine mandates aren't effective. It looks to me like the virus travels around the country like a wave between the south and the norteast and west. I also think that the only places where there is high compliance with restriction and high vaccination rates are the big cities, and they are doing better than you would expect given their high population density, but that's not apparent in State level data.

If the metric is death count then certainly NY was a leader early on. But from June 2020 - Nov 2021 FL has recorded 56,000 deaths compared to NY of about 27K. Take NYC data out, the most densely populated city in the USA, and NY has fared way better than FL (I can't find the chart for that one but I've seen it in the past). Tx data looks similar to FL. In my county, Monroe NY, 80% in the hospital aren't vaccinated. It's fine if someone doesn't want the Vax but don't go bitching because they can't have the human decency to wear a mask in indoor public places.

I'm not political, I'm an engineer and only care about data and designing solutions. If we threw out all the politicians and replaced them with engineers, doctors and accountants we'd probably be better in almost every aspect of life.

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