Big Tupper Thread

What’s this mean in legalese?

"These service of answers allege the county did not state a cause for the action, did not commence foreclosure within the right time frame, did not disclose the amount of unpaid 2013 and 2014 property taxes and did not show payments from other sources on those taxes."

It’s the side of a mountain the town used to operate for folks to ski.

Let em ski it.
Easy to type - impossible to implement
I wish I had zoomed in more for this pic, but it was a sunny day and I couldn't really see the screen so I just had to assume I got what I wanted (confessions of a BAD photographer). This is Big Tupper from the North (St. Regis Mt) on July 30, 2021. Some of the other NYSB'ers can correct my memory but it looks like the trails no longer go to the top! And it wasn't that high to begin with! I would love to be able to ski here (I'm not going to trespass) but I think it is currently highly unlikely.
I couldn't really see the screen so I just had to assume I got what I wanted

Haha sounds like a very familiar scenario for me.

Big Tupper trails never really went quite to the top. The summit may actually be another property. It's heinous up there, with a cell tower and tons of electrical garbage left by whoever the cell company is.

Lift 3 went the farthest up and you can't really see the trails that it served from that angle.

The summit may actually be another property. It's heinous up there, with a cell tower and tons of electrical garbage left by whoever the cell company is.
Come to think of it, it wouldn't surprise me if Foxman sold or leased the summit to a tele company. Those guys sold everything.

Any info @Endoftheline ?
A little background. Prior to ACR the owners bought the mountain at a foreclosure sale back in 1992 or so. 2 were bidding. The winner was a Communications outfit from Plattsburgh or maybe E-Town. The had no interest in the ski area, they just wanted the summit for the location. So they made a deal after the fact with the guys who ended up with the mountain. Just checked the tax map, the communication guys kept the summit itself with about 180 acres, they sold the lower part of the mountain. The summit owners have a ROW to get up to the top for maintenance etc. Supposedly the rents paid by all the communication companies is quite substantial. Further rumor is that if Big Tupper had been able to buy the whole mountain back in 1992 the rent generated by the summit would have likely been enough to subsidize the ski area and maybe would have been able to stay open, possibly to this day, but we will probably never know.
I think at the time of the foreclosure the guys who wanted the mountain for skiing had a limit as to how high they would bid and went to that and the communication guys only went another $10K or so and got it. After the sale I heard the that the guys who ended up with the mountain paid the Comm guys about what they bid at foreclosure.
All this is from memory and it was quite a while ago so I may have some info a little off but I think it's close.