Tomahawk isn't going anywhere. It's 24 years old, and is not a primary lift. I do recall it running faster in the pre-gondola era though.
I think they made the same mistake with the Lightning Quad that they did with the fixed grip Superchief back in 1999. That went detachable after just 7 years. I was initially critical of the replacement of the double double when it was announced, then thought it turned out better than expected, but looking back on it, that project was just done wrong. The lift is so slow, and the bottom is now in a weird spot. Relocating the bunny hill made it worse for learning, and they didn't even use the land it was previously located to widen and regrade Lower Deer Run. It should go detachable, start at the original location that the double double did, and reuse as many of the parts from the fixed grip lift as possible. The other parts can be reused on another project if need be.