Belleayre Conditions

Not sure about "EC right now." Last season in NY sure.
There are feeder hills that have 100% snowmaking coverage and can cover it all very quickly. Killington and Mountain Creek both do amazing things during very short weather windows. And all those hills south of the Mason Dixon line that we never talk about must be miracle workers to even get open every year. Belle did great last winter though
The snowmaking, both early season and the repeated recoveries that were needed was nothing short of amazing this winter. Word is definitely getting out.

Definitely interesting points on the impact the WUG might have had in the numbers. I’m curious if Belle pulled some from Hunter and even Windham? I haven’t been to either in a couple years nor have I been following much news about them, but in general it sounds like Hunter people aren’t happy with the Vail takeover. Not making any snow on the west side is pretty crazy although I’m not sure if people disappointed about that would go to Belle anyway.
There are feeder hills that have 100% snowmaking coverage and can cover it all very quickly. Killington and Mountain Creek both do amazing things during very short weather windows. And all those hills south of the Mason Dixon line that we never talk about must be miracle workers to even get open every year. Belle did great last winter though
Fair to say that the number of snowguns per acre is pretty high in NC and VA. In the last 5-10 years most new snowguns have been fan guns with automation. Can build some huge whales in 24-48 hours when it's cold and dry enough. Often have to start from scratch once or twice a season after a major warm spell. WV gets a reasonable amount of natural snow but I doubt Intrawest would've bothered to develop Snowshoe without 100% snowmaking on the groomed trails. There isn't much ungroomed terrain at Snowshoe. Also helps that water supply is usually not an issue in the southeast.

When did Belle start significant improvements to the snowmaking infrastructure? Before or after the gondola opened?
And all those hills south of the Mason Dixon line that we never talk about must be miracle workers to even get open every year.
True! I never think of those.

But IIRC Belle and K were pretty neck and neck early season this year. I skied 4 runs on the West side plus the run out to the gondy 2 weeks before thanksgiving.
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The snowmaking has to be part of it too. I remember looking at Belle and Gore terrain one day in the first half of the season. Belle was 79% open and Gore was 49%. If you know/care nothing about snowmaking that number still speaks to you.
Gore spent a lot of early snow power to make Wild AIr WUGable especially with the Mt Gondola's.
Belle spread the snow power around more evenly cause they could.

Belle acreage 175.
Gore acreage 448.
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Gore spent a lot of early snow power to make Wild AIr WUGable especially with the Mt Gondola's.
Belle spread the snow power around more evenly cause they could.

Belle acreage 175.
Gore acreage 448.

I think that's pretty much what I said.
When did Belle start significant improvements to the snowmaking infrastructure? Before or after the gondola opened?

Here's a pretty solid answer to that question, most of this happened over the last 3 years:

"The historic system was not zoned and did not have main lines, so some of the pumps’ capacity was spent just holding water to maintain pressure. The pressure was low and thus was not suitable for the low e guns.

We built a new pumphouse that delivers higher pressures for the low e equipment, installed mainlines and isolation valve houses, and replaced pipelines that could not handle the higher pressure. We also invested in and installed new guns.

The other significant change was transitioning from 100% reliance on rented diesel air to permanently installed electric air and the necessary electrical distribution upgrades for this, which happened 2016 – 2021."