Belleayre Conditions

If the new mid station is where the current loading station is, and you can onload too it wouldn't be so bad. But I doubt that's what the plan is.
I’m happy Lift 7 will be a fixed grip with a mid-station. I was hoping I could ride it one last time tomorrow. Overlook Lodge is getting renovated this summer. At some point there will be a skier bridge over the lot. Don’t know when that will be. They need to put a carpet loader on Lightning to speed that thing up. A new summit lodge is planned. I like the Sunset Lodge the way it is. They should renovate the bathrooms and use it more often. An observation tower only 30-40 feet tall would get you some sweet panoramic views.
This would be cool if there were a bridge over the parking lot. But I can't see a lot of people skiing all the way around the lodge to get there.
A bridge is in the plan. They already did soil samples. I haven’t heard if that would be for this coming season but I doubt it. That will be a huge project and a large bridge!
I’m happy Lift 7 will be a fixed grip with a mid-station.

The original plan was fixed grip/no mid station. I campaigned for the mid station so they wouldn’t wreck goat path / utsy in order to make a “blue square” cutoff for intermediates to get down.

It sounds like they’re still going to wreck those trails to give the gapers another way down off the top. If they’re going to do that anyway then new 7 should be a high speed.
Long meeting this morning so I didn't get much in and I missed the evac. Seneca and Algonquin are/were the only runs you didn't have to take your skis off. Tomorrow will be rough with lots of walking. I am thinking I will be doing the same at Gore tomorrow. I really hate this time of year.
Last Day


Dot Nebel


Lift 8



Deer Run

Route 9

Rust In Pieces Lift 7


Catskill Thunder shut down at 3pm due to thunder. Last run of the season was a road lap from Overlook.


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