Belleayre Conditions

It would ski better- I mean maybe. There is probably a natural point on the hill where the steepness transitions from blue to green but it’s not at that lodge. The lodge is there because it’s been there all along. Of Course they won’t tear down or move it. I know that. I’m just trying to foster some out of the box thinking. For that matter, what might actually be of more value than a bridge would be a short fixed grip from where it transitions black to blue, either next to 7 or between 7 and 8 somewhere. Give the experts a lift to themselves that they can lap on busy days
But imagine how much better the hill would ski if it wasn’t there. And it’s apparently in an avalanche zone so safety.
It’s been caught in a wet “slide” before.
Would it really ski much better? For experts or beginners or intermediates who get off at mid?
For everyone. You’d be able to continue on say Algonquin right on down to the bottom without the lot in the way. Demolishing the lodge has been talked about since the Tony days but who knows if it would ever happen. They’d have to expand parking elsewhere.

Pretty sure it was longer ago than that. I feel like the fires stopped shortly after ORDA took over. Safety Cindy.
We take a family photo in front of the fireplace every year. The last one to have a fire was 2020. I think they stopped when the avalanche hit which was then followed by the pandemic. No fires, no couches. Very sad. Now instead, you can go down to Discovery and enjoy a propane fire bowl and listen to a DJ who thinks he’s in Miami.
We take a family photo in front of the fireplace every year. The last one to have a fire was 2020. I think they stopped when the avalanche hit which was then followed by the pandemic. No fires, no couches. Very sad. Now instead, you can go down to Discovery and enjoy a propane fire bowl and listen to a DJ who thinks he’s in Miami.
I remember they had installed a big lock box for the wood to ensure nobody could feed it themselves.
They don't do that at Gore. I've lived Upstate since college, but 15 years ago I was in a group house in the Catskills with a bunch of guys from Brooklyn. They would stuff as much wood as possible into the fireplace before they lit it. Also the landlord apparently never cleaned the chimney, so the house was often filled with smoke. Now that I remember it, there must have been no smoke detectors either. I was a afraid to sleep in that house.
Must be a Downstate thing.
