Belleayre Conditions

A mid-station would be best for the most access to the intermediate trails. Encouraging intermediates to go to the top with a new trail is a big mistake. It’s going to be an icy luge no matter how they cut it. Look at Deer Run, it’s down right dangerous by the end of the day and needs to be widened.

The Lightning lift is terrible. Since they run it without the carpet, the ride time is way too long, especially for the ski-wees. Not sure if they ever plan on running the carpet but I haven’t seen it run this year. Without one, it should also have a midstation at the top of the liftline headwall where Iroquois starts. That way beginners have a shorter lap and experienced skiers can cut over Easy In to the Express lift.

When I’m skiing the lower trails with Peanut we access them from the gondola by taking Route 9 all the way across to Boring Brook. I’d rather skate the whole ridge and ski down around Overlook to get to them than ride that Not Lightning lift.

Don't sugar coat it for us dude.
In classic ORDA form, they should have made the Not Lightning a HSQ.
This is true. On the other hand, I don’t understand all the drama around conveyor loading. Berkshire East runs theirs without any problems. I wonder if it’s an installation issue? Are the posted instructions unclear? Is it not calibrated correctly?
This is true. On the other hand, I don’t understand all the drama around conveyor loading. Berkshire East runs theirs without any problems. I wonder if it’s an installation issue? Are the posted instructions unclear? Is it not calibrated correctly?
I think that there is a lack of instructions on how to use them. I have a friend who hates them but he refuses to grasp the idea that all you have to do is slide onto the conveyor then do NOTHING but sit down on the chair when it reaches you. He insists on clomping forward on the conveyor as if it wasn't there like when you slide forward to the loading spot on snow. He either shoots off the end of the carpet or falls over. And he's an expert skier who's skied for over 50 years. I guess you just can't teach an old dog new tricks.
I have not heard if there has been a decision on the new lift 7 yet. After the amended 2015 UMP was released, I was in a meeting with Mike Pratt and asked that question. Their plan at the time was to make it a fixed grip with no mid station. And also to wreck Utsy and the goat path to make another intermediate cut down like Onondaga.

I campaigned for either a mid station and not wreck Utsy/goat path or a high speed. The new lift is planned to start quite a bit down below the lodge. If they make it a fixed grip it’s going to be a horribly long ride to the top, with the first part of it to the bottom of the current lift being a waste. They’re advertising it as bottom to top access from the base: take lightning lift, get off and ski down to new 7, take to the top. If the new 7 ends up being anything like Lightning, that would make for about a 40 minute ride to the top on a typical day!

I hope everyone who is concerned about this now submitted comments on the UMP that was previously posted:

You'd be better off taking the Gondola and skating.
This is true. On the other hand, I don’t understand all the drama around conveyor loading. Berkshire East runs theirs without any problems. I wonder if it’s an installation issue? Are the posted instructions unclear? Is it not calibrated correctly?
People on their third run ever can't figure it out. That is the issue with loading it. That category of people could apparently figure out the double double.

This past weekend it was running without the belt and it loaded the best I have ever seen it. They just put snow down and leave the gates open, and wala. (Yes, why pay for the carpet loader then, I don't know). Just my observation.
A long time ago in Killy I parked at Snowshed, apres-ed at K1, then drunk skied down past the grooming machines at like 6PM. I doubt Belle would ever allow that, but it would allow Overlook to live on as a mid station and apres bar, while removing all the parking and roads that dissect the mountain and make it so awkward.
I have not heard if there has been a decision on the new lift 7 yet. After the amended 2015 UMP was released, I was in a meeting with Mike Pratt and asked that question. Their plan at the time was to make it a fixed grip with no mid station. And also to wreck Utsy and the goat path to make another intermediate cut down like Onondaga.

I campaigned for either a mid station and not wreck Utsy/goat path or a high speed. The new lift is planned to start quite a bit down below the lodge. If they make it a fixed grip it’s going to be a horribly long ride to the top, with the first part of it to the bottom of the current lift being a waste. They’re advertising it as bottom to top access from the base: take lightning lift, get off and ski down to new 7, take to the top. If the new 7 ends up being anything like Lightning, that would make for about a 40 minute ride to the top on a typical day!

I hope everyone who is concerned about this now submitted comments on the UMP that was previously posted:

The thing about Utsy and Goat's Path is that their annual open season is measured in hours, not weeks or even days. So from ORDA's POV, I can understand why they'd want to pull more customers there if they could. Sure, it would suck for me (a compulsive Utsy poacher), but it would benefit the many.

I kind of like the idea of a bridge tbh, if it could actually work. That actually solves a few problems.