
They must have known he would come back. There’s no way they could bring cashman back if they lost Judge. The fans would have burned down the stadium.

I don't know much about baseball but man that is a lot for a guy who is 30. If he has 4 great years and then drops off after that, which he could totally do, he could be considered as having had a great career.

I guess the real question is, if he does have those 4 great years, is that worth 700m.

One thing, he's only had 500 ABs three times. Average for a starter is 5 something I think.

This article claims that on average, 30 is peak age for players:

That said, I'm glad he's staying too. Flame away.
They must have known he would come back. There’s no way they could bring cashman back if they lost Judge. The fans would have burned down the stadium.

Hopefully Hal sat the kid down and said hey look I know we didn't have faith in you in the beginning. You proved us wrong. Go out there and see what you can get and then come back to me and I will beat it. We want you as a Yankee
Dang “Goldilocks ball."
Who’d a thunk it.
Say it ain’t so Joe.
"Though the overwhelming majority of baseballs we obtained were dead, 36 of them fit the bill for what Wills dubbed the "Goldilocks ball:" not too heavy, not too light — but just right. Of those, we found most in one of three situations:
• Postseason games, including the World Series;
• The All-Star Game and Home Run Derby;
• Regular-season games that used balls with special commemorative stamps — such as a Texas Rangers 50th anniversary ball — on the outer leather.
The only Goldilocks balls we obtained from the regular season that did not have commemorative stamps were from Yankees games."

I saw that article. I need more before I accuse anybody. If MLB really wanted to help Judge they would have been funneling the fully juiced balls towards him- not the middle weights. I don’t think detecting the 3rd variation suggests foul play in and of itself
I saw that article. I need more before I accuse anybody. If MLB really wanted to help Judge they would have been funneling the fully juiced balls towards him- not the middle weights. I don’t think detecting the 3rd variation suggests foul play in and of itself
Hopefully MLB will remember to remove the FTX advertisements off their ump's unforms.