Anywhere for that matter. You need to charge at home. PeriodIt is hard to understand buying an EV if you do not have a dedicated charging spot in a cold weather area like Chicago.
Tesla owners say EV batteries won't charge as brutally cold temperatures hit Chicago
One Tesla owner said he saw at least 10 cars get towed from a charging station after running out of battery and
A bit drastic. My math post with 90 pc home charging was pretty sweet. I would think up to like 50 pc home charging you do well because it is like 1/4 the price of an ice and high speed is still a little cheaper than gas.Anywhere for that matter. You need to charge at home. Period
EVs can function pretty well in the cold.It is hard to understand buying an EV if you do not have a dedicated charging spot in a cold weather area like Chicago.
Tesla owners say EV batteries won't charge as brutally cold temperatures hit Chicago
One Tesla owner said he saw at least 10 cars get towed from a charging station after running out of battery and
I didn’t fast charge one way home - and got a good meal and tip for less. Will charge tonight.Wednesday I went similar distance similar conditions. 12 dollars at my house.
That's a nice articles. I drove mine around today. Battery 35 degrees. Drove maybe 20 miles in a few different trips. Car is toasty when I get in it and runs fine. Down from 75 after charging last night to 49 now. If I had a plug in here no problem. I don't. The super charger is 2 mile from be. Battery is not going to be warm when I get there in the morning so it's going to take a while to juice up.
Feel free to call me but if you navigate to a high speed charger then the rivian will precondition. That is the thing saying preparing battery for fast charge.That's a nice articles. I drove mine around today. Battery 35 degrees. Drove maybe 20 miles in a few different trips. Car is toasty when I get in it and runs fine. Down from 75 after charging last night to 49 now. If I had a plug in here no problem. I don't. The super charger is 2 mile from be. Battery is not going to be warm when I get there in the morning so it's going to take a while to juice up.
Precondition is a very annoying term with ev. I can't figure out what it is.