
When I was in high school in Vermont we had a girl come up from NYC. One of the first things she said was, "there are cows up here!"
That was followed by head shakes and general bewilderment. City people are funny.
I used to work with a guy who grew up in Bedford Stuyvestant. He thought Bergen County NJ was the country, when in reality that section of Bergen is nicely wooded and expensive suburbs. Did a road trip to VT; when he returned, he told me that they stopped at "an Indian trading post." He actually stopped at a general store.
@D.B. Cooper on another note, I've occasionally roller skied and gone running at Garrett Mountain, a modest park next to Paterson. It's got the scrawniest, most underfed deer you could imagine. Yet the Paterson residents take pictures of them because they're the only deer they see.
Speaking of bears…..I’m pretty sure my boys never believed me when I told them a good size black bear walked past me while I was in the hot tub one night. Yeah, sure dad…chuckle, chuckle.

Well, now my wife has the video evidence!
This guy came walking toward me in the park down the road from my house today.

Seemed like a curious young’un, not threatening or aggressive at all. Heck, seemed like he would have come to me for some pets….but I got outta Dodge in case Mamma Bear was around!
This guy came walking toward me in the park down the road from my house today.
View attachment 15304
Seemed like a curious young’un, not threatening or aggressive at all. Heck, seemed like he would have come to me for some pets….but I got outta Dodge in case Mamma Bear was around!
Was that in Bowdoin Park?

Betchya coulda wrestled that one.
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