
The otter may have been the culprit gulping the turtle eggs.
One day I took a walk around my yard after cutting the grass and went up to my loft. I looked out the window and saw a crow sitting in a tree watching something at the bottom of the yard. He flew down and grabbed something white ?
I was just down there and I know there wasn’t anything white?
I walked back down to find a box turtle dug a hole and was laying eggs in , the crafty crow grabbed one.
Lots of skunks around too.
Well, it finally happened. After 40+ years of roaming the northeastern woods, I finally saw a bear outside the state of NJ. Close to a leanto on the way to Belleayre. No photo though. He heard me and he split.

Seen plenty of footprints and scat... first time seeing an actual bear.
A huge bear just came through my place while I was cutting the grass. Scary shit. I’m glad the girls were at the store and not playing outside. Last night we saw a coyote and my sister and nephew saw a bobcat. Nature is on the loose!
Well, it finally happened. After 40+ years of roaming the northeastern woods, I finally saw a bear outside the state of NJ. Close to a leanto on the way to Belleayre. No photo though. He heard me and he split.

Seen plenty of footprints and scat... first time seeing an actual bear.
My brother lives half an hour from Bellayre (Boiceville). A few years ago, my habit of waking up early paid off. I saw a mom and two cubs walking up a path near his house. He has plenty of trail cam photos of them and super bear-proof garbage. He finally listened to me about taking bird seed down during the summer when he had one climb 15 feet or so onto his deck and grabbed the bird feeder.

I have bearphobia. No bird seed out for me. We had a bear come through about 10 years ago, knock over a garbage can with the chicken food in it and drag off half of a 50 pound bag of chicken food. I found the bag in the woods with puncture holes from the bear's teeth. Everything is locked up now.
I’m on vacation right now. Went out to the front porch with my coffee and this little guy paid a visit. I think this may be the first time I saw a hummingbird in action up close. Pretty amazing. Shows the limitations of the IPhone as a camera of course.

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Hummingbirds often scare the crap out of me with their surprise fly bys.


This little dude has been chillin with me at my camp for about 4 weeks now. I think it’s for safety from the birds.
A huge bear just came through my place while I was cutting the grass. Scary shit. I’m glad the girls were at the store and not playing outside. Last night we saw a coyote and my sister and nephew saw a bobcat. Nature is on the loose!
Watch your girls around those coyotes.
Watch your girls around those coyotes.
And dogs
Neighbor of ours thinks their dog was snatched by coyotes. They have a small old dog, all she would do is go outside, do her business, then come back inside. A couple weeks ago she never came back. One thought was she crawled off and died but they've looked everywhere and haven't found her.
FKN coyotes
Tonight, a grey fox zoomed in between my house and my chicken coop. 5 of my 6 chickens were out. I went running out and tried to get the remaining 5 in. They were not interested in going in. The fox was not interested in coming back.

Nature is weird.