
Delta-spotted Spiketail Dragonfly returning to a favorite perch.
Super crazy funny wolverine story,

Years ago, two very close friends of mine, Sickman and Cool Breeze, went on a mission to try to fish the cirque lake of Cedar Mountain in the National Wilderness south of Big Sky. It was summer and the old G1 gondola was open for scenic rides so they took that up and hiked around passed Liberty Bowl into the backcountry. They had some bear spray, a .357 to dissuade the Grizzlies, some fishing poles and not much else. Traveling cross country without a trail, the going was slow due to lots of deadfall and blowdown. They reached the waterfall just shy of the lake as darkness fell and cowboy camped under the stars. They started a fire and hung some gear in the trees to dry. That night, as Cool Breeze slept, Sickman started bugging out about the sounds all around. Hissing, laughing and snarling chatter surrounded them. He said it sounded like twenty of them but twenty what? Through the dark he couldn’t tell, the headlamps were useless. He loaded up the fire and shook Cool Breeze who claimed it was no big deal and wanted to keep sleeping. Sickman’s paranoia wore off and he dosed off too. Next thing, Cool Breeze wakes up to some commotion to see a wolverine coming straight down the tree above him headfirst. Stunned, he decided to roll over and pretend to sleep thinking it will eventually go away. Wrong. The wolverine sniffed around Cool Breeze then stuck its snout up his ass with a loud snort. He flew out of his bag and landed on Sickman screaming, “They’re back! They’re back! Get the gun! Get the gun!” Sickman bolts up half asleep and just starts popping off randomly into the dark. They loaded up the fire a lot more this time and stood guard, straight bugging. In the morning Cool Breeze, who was officially traumatized, realized his shoes (suade Vans) were missing. Their furry friends had snatched them off the tree where they were hung to dry. A bunch of other stuff was missing too but they were able to find most of it scattered. Now barefoot and demoralized they decide to abandon the quest for fish. They cut up a Thermarest pad to make soles that they stuffed into socks for their best bush fix shoes and got the fuck out of there. The way they had come was too strenuous to return so they opted for a longer but seemingly easier route back. Wrong. They traversed around Lost Lake to Jack Creek Rd. and walked many more miles back to the Mountain Village where they had quite the story to tell.

Years later, a show on TV about wolverines came on and we all gathered around. It went into detail about how ferocious they are and how the area around Yellowstone has the highest concentration in the Lower 48. Then the moderator explained that the native people called these fierce creatures “moccasin thieves” and we all fell to the floor with Cool Breeze crying out, “Those sumbeeches stole my shooooes!!!”
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Super crazy funny wolverine story,

Years ago, two very close friends of mine, Sickman and Cool Breeze, went on a mission to try to fish the cirque lake of Cedar Mountain in the National Wilderness south of Big Sky. It was summer and the old G1 gondola was open for scenic rides so they took that up and hiked around passed Liberty Bowl into the backcountry. They had some bear spray, a .357 to dissuade the Grizzlies, some fishing poles and not much else. Traveling cross country without a trail, the going was slow due to lots of deadfall and blowdown. They reached the waterfall just shy of the lake as darkness fell and cowboy camped under the stars. They started a fire and hung some gear in the trees to dry. That night, as Cool Breeze slept, Sickman started bugging out about the sounds all around. Hissing, laughing and snarling chatter surrounded them. He said it sounded like twenty of them but twenty what? Through the dark he couldn’t tell, the headlamps were useless. He loaded up the fire and shook Cool Breeze who claimed it was no big deal and wanted to keep sleeping. Sickman’s paranoia wore off and he dosed off too. Next thing, Cool Breeze wakes up to some commotion to see a wolverine coming straight down the tree above him headfirst. Stunned, he decided to roll over and pretend to sleep thinking it will eventually go away. Wrong. The wolverine sniffed around Cool Breeze then stuck its snout up his ass with a loud snort. He flew out of his bag and landed on Sickman screaming, “They’re back! They’re back! Get the gun! Get the gun!” Sickman bolts up half asleep and just starts popping off randomly into the dark. They loaded up the fire a lot more this time and stood guard, straight bugging. In the morning Cool Breeze, who was officially traumatized, realized his shoes (suade Vans) were missing. Their furry friends had snatched them off the tree where they were hung to dry. A bunch of other stuff was missing too but they were able to find most of it scattered. Now barefoot and demoralized they decide to abandon the quest for fish. They cut up a Thermarest pad to make soles that they stuffed into socks for their best bush fix shoes and got the fuck out of there. The way they had come was too strenuous to return so they opted for a longer but seemingly easier route back. Wrong. They traversed around Lost Lake to Jack Creek Rd. and walked many more miles back to the Mountain Village where they had quite the story to tell.

Years later, a show on TV about wolverines came on and we all gathered around. It went into detail about how ferocious they are and how the area around Yellowstone has the highest concentration in the Lower 48. Then the moderator explained that the native people called these fierce creatures “moccasin thieves” and we all fell to the floor with Cool Breeze crying out, “Those sumbeeches stole my shooooes!!!”
A good friend of mine refers to his Ex as The Wolverine...
Makes sense.
Super crazy funny wolverine story,

Years ago, two very close friends of mine, Sickman and Cool Breeze, went on a mission to try to fish the cirque lake of Cedar Mountain in the National Wilderness south of Big Sky. It was summer and the old G1 gondola was open for scenic rides so they took that up and hiked around passed Liberty Bowl into the backcountry. They had some bear spray, a .357 to dissuade the Grizzlies, some fishing poles and not much else. Traveling cross country without a trail, the going was slow due to lots of deadfall and blowdown. They reached the waterfall just shy of the lake as darkness fell and cowboy camped under the stars. They started a fire and hung some gear in the trees to dry. That night, as Cool Breeze slept, Sickman started bugging out about the sounds all around. Hissing, laughing and snarling chatter surrounded them. He said it sounded like twenty of them but twenty what? Through the dark he couldn’t tell, the headlamps were useless. He loaded up the fire and shook Cool Breeze who claimed it was no big deal and wanted to keep sleeping. Sickman’s paranoia wore off and he dosed off too. Next thing, Cool Breeze wakes up to some commotion to see a wolverine coming straight down the tree above him headfirst. Stunned, he decided to roll over and pretend to sleep thinking it will eventually go away. Wrong. The wolverine sniffed around Cool Breeze then stuck its snout up his ass with a loud snort. He flew out of his bag and landed on Sickman screaming, “They’re back! They’re back! Get the gun! Get the gun!” Sickman bolts up half asleep and just starts popping off randomly into the dark. They loaded up the fire a lot more this time and stood guard, straight bugging. In the morning Cool Breeze, who was officially traumatized, realized his shoes (suade Vans) were missing. Their furry friends had snatched them off the tree where they were hung to dry. A bunch of other stuff was missing too but they were able to find most of it scattered. Now barefoot and demoralized they decide to abandon the quest for fish. They cut up a Thermarest pad to make soles that they stuffed into socks for their best bush fix shoes and got the fuck out of there. The way they had come was too strenuous to return so they opted for a longer but seemingly easier route back. Wrong. They traversed around Lost Lake to Jack Creek Rd. and walked many more miles back to the Mountain Village where they had quite the story to tell.

Years later, a show on TV about wolverines came on and we all gathered around. It went into detail about how ferocious they are and how the area around Yellowstone has the highest concentration in the Lower 48. Then the moderator explained that the native people called these fierce creatures “moccasin thieves” and we all fell to the floor with Cool Breeze crying out, “Those sumbeeches stole my shooooes!!!”
That's awesome!!
Albany park bear gets tranquillized and “caught” in a net after dropping out of a tree.
Going to the Catskills to walk it off.