Whiteface Conditions

Oh that! Yeh been thru that many times. Interesting it’s going to be a trail now. From the sound of things, I guess they cut some trees and widened it? The way it was before usually ended with a free edge deburring upon exit on the snowmaking pipe...
That's the one!
So I was wrong about them not making snow below mid. They are, but on Brookside and Boreen instead of Valley. Opening is on Saturday with full top to bottom skiing off the summit. All 3186 lift served vertical feet right from day 1. Absolutely incredible is a term I thought I'd never use to describe Whiteface snowmaking, but here I am. I may just have to buy another season pass.
Whiteface will be open Nov. 19-20, although right now online tickets aren't available until Nov. 25.
Well if last weekend was the kind of Day 1 you hope for, today was more like the Day 1 you usually get. Light rain on the bottom half of the mountain. Turned to snow around the top of Facelift. The Gondola and Facelift were running close to on time and they did open the summit chair at around 9:40AM . The snow was much better up top, Paron's and Follies were both open, but visibility was poor. Despite the lackluster conditions, super stoked to get my first day of the season in. I sure do love skiing and on the bright side, there were no crowds!
Another benefit of having the summit open is it gives you a high elevation option if you need it to avoid r*in. The snow report doesn't seem to have been updated since last weekend. I know they opened Bear Den. Did they also open Lower Northway or Essex? It looks like they just didn't get enough hours of snowmaking to finish Upper and Lower Valley. I'll be back next weekend since I'm at Killington this weekend for the World Cup. hopefully they can get even more terrain online by then.