Whiteface Conditions

Go look in the covid threads and see the kind of responses that I got for saying that on busy days, chairs need to be filled, which is a rule that is in place for the good of all (shorter lines).

No thanks.

It snowed. We don't need no stinkin covid thread.
Sno, if I thought you could discern the difference between 1) complaining about mountain operations, their shortfalls, and how it “affects” you and 2) observing a selfish jackass in operation, teaching his kids to be spoiled, entitled twats who don’t think the rules apply to them, or that operating rules should be changed to satisfy their selfish “needs” I’d explain it to you.

Rather than waste my time with that I’ll just let you know that…..Lookout opened a little after 1:00 today! We were probably 12th chair. Wilmington was groomed to perfection, I bet Lookout Below won’t be long.
Keeping the WF conditions going…..glades (like Cloudsplitter) could be, should be (or so a birdie told me) open. Skyward is awful right now, in some areas potentially dangerously so. Hard, wind blown, harder than hard pack, you could slide a long way if you lose and edge in places. Lower Sky was closed today because it’s so terribly hard. I love Cloudspin and the feel of all natural under foot. They set up guns on Upper Northway so they should start blowing that soon.
I hadn't planned to ski today, but early this morning, I received a text from a friend who mentioned that he was going to go over for a couple of hours this morning, and wanted to know if I'd like to meet him there. Initially, I was thinking no ... I've got too much work to do. I looked at my calendar and I saw that I didn't have any meetings scheduled until after lunch, so I decided to meet him there. It turned out to be a great decision!

This was far and away, the best day I've had at Whiteface this season. Conditions were excellent. Everything we skied was groomed very well. There were a couple of minor little things here and there, but without a doubt, best trail conditions of the year on everything we skied. There were also no lift snafus ... all the lifts you would expect to be running on a weekday were running, and all on time (Lookout may have been a couple of minutes late.)

The conditions on the Wilmington Trail, top to bottom, were some of the best I've ever seen on that trail.

Congratulations Whiteface on getting it done ... Here's hoping for a repeat performance tomorrow!
Ditto, gloriuous day to be there today, comfy temps and hero snow across the mountain. Only complaint was they don’t sell beer at mid wtf ?!?!?
Yea I guess pocket beeahs tomorrow
How was it today? I'm thinking it must have been good. Trees?
I had a great day ... Conditions were ... interesting ... It was definitely the kind of day where you had to figure things out, but that said, I had my best day of the season (at Whiteface) today. Didn't go into the trees at all, but found really good snow all day on Essex, Victoria (for most of the day) and Skyward.

Some lift frustrations early on, and Lookout was only open for a couple of hours or so, but none of that really impacted my day at all.
Other than blower pow I think I ski’d every ski And weather condition known to man, variable would be an understatement. iBest run was after a skeleton ride down the headwall of sky I followed a crow to a fun stash skiers right