Whiteface Conditions

Harv, is there a way to change my forum name?
I would make a change for you if you wanted.

There is a guy on TGR who lives someplace insane like Big Sky, and his screenname is StuckAtHunterMtn.
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Right now in Lake Placid ... BRRRRRRRR ....

Looks like a good day to lay around the shanty and tie a good buzz on.
When my kids were young, we had a rule ... we don't leave the house to head over to the mountain until the temperature gets UP TO -10 ... So ... we'll see what happens today!!!

Otherwise, I guess this is a good plan B!
Left my house at about around 9:15 and the temp was at -15 ... When I pulled into the parking lot, my car said -10 ... When I left to go home, at around 1:30, it had gotten up to -3!!!

Conditions were pretty much what I expected ... Very firm & fast ... Upper Wilderness was pretty good early, but when I went back to it later, it was not too great ... Lower Wilderness was like ball bearings all day.

The good news was that there was no one there ... singles line at the gondola was pretty much "walk on". The other good news was that it was a bright sunny day, with little or no wind. Did one summit run, and oddly enough, the ride up really wasn't too bad. I did about 8 runs, at which point I'd had enough!!!

Kudos to all the lifties, snowmakers, ski patrol, parking lot attendants, ski school, mountain hosts and anyone else who stayed out in the cold. It was truly brutal!