Whiteface Conditions

Ah HPD , SJ da birdman o da Dacks , where be ye ?? Come back , come back ?
Cold this morning. Very few snow guns going. Maybe 3 on Upper Wilderness, one near the mogul finish area. The guns on Skyward were turned off. Guns staged on Lower Sky. I wish they would communicate some sort of plan. I don't think Skyward will be open any time soon.

Oh yeah, the gondola and Face Lift didn't start loading until 9. Some we're waiting for at least half an hour. Snow cat appeared to be broken at the top of Victoria. That trail didn't open all day. Consequently Excelsior was scratchy early.

Imagine if a hospital was run this way?
Cold this morning. Very few snow guns going. Maybe 3 on Upper Wilderness, one near the mogul finish area. The guns on Skyward were turned off. Guns staged on Lower Sky. I wish they would communicate some sort of plan. I don't think Skyward will be open any time soon.

Oh yeah, the gondola and Face Lift didn't start loading until 9. Some we're waiting for at least half an hour. Snow cat appeared to be broken at the top of Victoria. That trail didn't open all day. Consequently Excelsior was scratchy early.

Imagine if a hospital was run this way?
Yeah ... Unfortunately, not a very good day today, conditions-wise. Victoria did eventually open ... probably some time between 12:30 and 1:00 ... when I came out from the base lodge at about 1:00, I rode the Face Lift up and we saw people coming down Victoria. Skied down to the Little Whiteface chair and rode that up and headed over there ... it was ... meh.

As for the late start ... And the Jets receive the kick-off ... he's at the five, the ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, he could go all the way ... FUMBLE!!!! ;)

Actually, after reading some of the other threads, it's becoming more and more apparent that the ski industry as a whole is really starting to turn into a complete shit-show. Rode the Gondola up this morning when it finally opened, and was talking with a guy who skis at Stowe as his home mountain. He didn't have anything positive to say about Stowe.
Everything is a shit-show right now not just the ski industry

ORDA doing far better in terms of operations than Vail and even KSL/Alterra at any rate so, while complaints may be warranted, they could be doing far far worse. They seem to have more terrain open, more reasonable prices, less staffing & crowding issues, and a better safety & maintenance record than most of the competition right now
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Everything is a shit show right now..... The fact that they can maintain minimal staffing levels and keep snow making and lift ops moving is impressive -Gore and Belleayre included. Everyone I know has COVID. It is probably the same for all the people who work at the mountains. Skyward will open. Wilmington will open. Whenever they do we should all give a big thanks to the people who pulled it off, not bitch that is was a week too late....
Pretty good couple days at WF. Yeah, could use some natural to soften things up, and it’s a bit firm in places, and trail count ain’t what it should be for mid January…..but with scenery like this who cares!


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