Whiteface Conditions

Skiing this weekend was good. Weather was incredible and the cold temps helped keep people away and keep the trails from getting too scratchy too early. Good conditions up to the point where the shade kicks in. I find it difficult with dark lenses once the sun starts to fade.

A guy hit an air hydrant on John's Bypass late Saturday. It was capped by Sunday.

I don't understand the snowmaking. Lower Thruway - the top part of it anyway, has massive whalebacks, as does Lower Mac. I mean way more than is needed. I don't know why they shut those down and redirect elsewhere.

Skyward is still a way from being open. There's not a lot of snow on Niagara, and there's no sign of snowmaking about to start on Lower Sky. If there's an issue with the pipes, why not do Upper Northway?

I heard comments about the stupid knee high signs in the gondola line saying 6' apart, or whatever the damn things say. I saw a few people trip over them (safety hazard?). Nor do I understand the limited number of tables. If distancing is an issue, why crowd everyone into the Ausable room?
Whiteface never updated the conditions report all day!
Anyone ski Whiteface today?
I skied this morning it was really good. Prob 6” or so and dumping hard all morning. Only bad part was facelift only until 10, then gondola started spinning which was good but I had to split around 11. Great skiing even if it snowed a bit less than the 8-12-13-18 some forecasts were calling for. Maybe it snowed more after I left I dunno. It was partly sunny when I got back to the house in placid which was odd. So not the greatest storm skiing day ever but for this season so far it was pretty good. No idea what else may have opened up after I left which was kinda early....
Earlier they reported making snow on Upper Mac. Can anyone confirm if they worked on the top portion off Approach? If so, that is the first time in a while. Before this season, I think the most recent time snow was made there was 2017.
Last Thursday/Friday there were at least some guns on Upper Mac.

Headed up tomorrow night, would be nice if U Sky/Niagara and U Mac open for the weekend. One would like to think they’d be pushing for that, but who knows!
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Last Thursday/Friday there were at least some guns on Upper Mac.

Headed up tomorrow night, would be nice if U Sky/Niagara and U Mac open for the weekend. One would like to think they’d be pushing for that, but who knows!
I saw a picture of Skyward today and it looked close to ready. My next question is when are they making a move to The Wilmington Trail.
I saw a picture of Skyward today and it looked close to ready. My next question is when are they making a move to The Wilmington Trail.
Everybody knows that they don’t really care about the Wilmington trail, which is outrageous if you ask me. If you’re not gonna blow it, don’t cut it. That’s what I say.