Whiteface Conditions

I have to admit, I was wondering as I looked at the conditions report all week why they weren't making snow on Skyward ... I guess now I know (I kind of assumed there was an issue).

By the end of last season, I reached the point where it really just doesn't bother me anymore. I've come to accept the reality that Whiteface is like the New York Jets of ski areas. You'll almost always be disappointed. Sure, once in a while you'll get a "win", but that's not the norm, and they always seem to blow it in the end.

This past Spring, my wife & I decided to sell our home in Lake Placid, which we've owned since 2003. I was done. I had decided that I'd buy an Indy Pass, and just bounce around like many of the people on this forum do, and I'd take one or two trips a year out west, to BC, Europe, whatever. We actually received an offer on our place that I was ready to accept, but at the last minute, my wife decided she wasn't ready to sell (side note ... she doesn't ski!). So, we still have our home, and I still go to Whiteface, but mostly just to meet up with friends, and have something to do. I really just don't get too excited about it anymore. I'm tired of being disappointed.

From reading the posts on this forum, it's pretty apparent that all areas have problems. The lift issue at Magic ... the lines and access road issues at Stowe ... the COVID outbreak at Killington, etc, etc, etc.

What DOES bother me about Whiteface (and ORDA more generally), is the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of New York State taxpayer dollars that have been dumped into ORDA, and for what? Every year we hear about all the "upgrades", and how much better things are going to be, and in the end, it never really amounts to anything. Sure, we have some fancy new buildings, and new gondola cabins (with very uncomfortable seats that everyone complains about!), but really, who actually cares about any of that? In the end, what really matters is the on-hill experience, and quite frankly, that's no better today than it was 10 years ago. Yes, weather conditions are certainly part of the problem, but really ... that's just a convenient excuse.

I know that much of this spending has been related to next year's World University Games, and maybe there will be some kind of "payback" for it, but at this point, it's time to stop "upgrading" Whiteface. Just budget the appropriate funds to PROPERLY maintain what's there, and call it a day.

P.S.: Harv, is there a way to change my forum name? Maybe I should be ... FaceWas4Me!

Rant over.
I have to admit, I was wondering as I looked at the conditions report all week why they weren't making snow on Skyward ... I guess now I know (I kind of assumed there was an issue).

By the end of last season, I reached the point where it really just doesn't bother me anymore. I've come to accept the reality that Whiteface is like the New York Jets of ski areas. You'll almost always be disappointed. Sure, once in a while you'll get a "win", but that's not the norm, and they always seem to blow it in the end.

This past Spring, my wife & I decided to sell our home in Lake Placid, which we've owned since 2003. I was done. I had decided that I'd buy an Indy Pass, and just bounce around like many of the people on this forum do, and I'd take one or two trips a year out west, to BC, Europe, whatever. We actually received an offer on our place that I was ready to accept, but at the last minute, my wife decided she wasn't ready to sell (side note ... she doesn't ski!). So, we still have our home, and I still go to Whiteface, but mostly just to meet up with friends, and have something to do. I really just don't get too excited about it anymore. I'm tired of being disappointed.

From reading the posts on this forum, it's pretty apparent that all areas have problems. The lift issue at Magic ... the lines and access road issues at Stowe ... the COVID outbreak at Killington, etc, etc, etc.

What DOES bother me about Whiteface (and ORDA more generally), is the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of New York State taxpayer dollars that have been dumped into ORDA, and for what? Every year we hear about all the "upgrades", and how much better things are going to be, and in the end, it never really amounts to anything. Sure, we have some fancy new buildings, and new gondola cabins (with very uncomfortable seats that everyone complains about!), but really, who actually cares about any of that? In the end, what really matters is the on-hill experience, and quite frankly, that's no better today than it was 10 years ago. Yes, weather conditions are certainly part of the problem, but really ... that's just a convenient excuse.

I know that much of this spending has been related to next year's World University Games, and maybe there will be some kind of "payback" for it, but at this point, it's time to stop "upgrading" Whiteface. Just budget the appropriate funds to PROPERLY maintain what's there, and call it a day.

P.S.: Harv, is there a way to change my forum name? Maybe I should be ... FaceWas4Me!

Rant over.
That's what I'm talking about!! Whiteface is like the love of your life that just keep cheating on you.
I have to admit, I was wondering as I looked at the conditions report all week why they weren't making snow on Skyward ... I guess now I know (I kind of assumed there was an issue).

By the end of last season, I reached the point where it really just doesn't bother me anymore. I've come to accept the reality that Whiteface is like the New York Jets of ski areas. You'll almost always be disappointed. Sure, once in a while you'll get a "win", but that's not the norm, and they always seem to blow it in the end.

This past Spring, my wife & I decided to sell our home in Lake Placid, which we've owned since 2003. I was done. I had decided that I'd buy an Indy Pass, and just bounce around like many of the people on this forum do, and I'd take one or two trips a year out west, to BC, Europe, whatever. We actually received an offer on our place that I was ready to accept, but at the last minute, my wife decided she wasn't ready to sell (side note ... she doesn't ski!). So, we still have our home, and I still go to Whiteface, but mostly just to meet up with friends, and have something to do. I really just don't get too excited about it anymore. I'm tired of being disappointed.

From reading the posts on this forum, it's pretty apparent that all areas have problems. The lift issue at Magic ... the lines and access road issues at Stowe ... the COVID outbreak at Killington, etc, etc, etc.

What DOES bother me about Whiteface (and ORDA more generally), is the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of New York State taxpayer dollars that have been dumped into ORDA, and for what? Every year we hear about all the "upgrades", and how much better things are going to be, and in the end, it never really amounts to anything. Sure, we have some fancy new buildings, and new gondola cabins (with very uncomfortable seats that everyone complains about!), but really, who actually cares about any of that? In the end, what really matters is the on-hill experience, and quite frankly, that's no better today than it was 10 years ago. Yes, weather conditions are certainly part of the problem, but really ... that's just a convenient excuse.

I know that much of this spending has been related to next year's World University Games, and maybe there will be some kind of "payback" for it, but at this point, it's time to stop "upgrading" Whiteface. Just budget the appropriate funds to PROPERLY maintain what's there, and call it a day.

P.S.: Harv, is there a way to change my forum name? Maybe I should be ... FaceWas4Me!

Rant over.
A Face classic!
By the end of last season, I reached the point where it really just doesn't bother me anymore. I've come to accept the reality that Whiteface is like the New York Jets of ski areas. You'll almost always be disappointed. Sure, once in a while you'll get a "win", but that's not the norm, and they always seem to blow it in the end.
This made me laugh