Whiteface Conditions

Great spring skiing weekend.

Not so sure how it will look next Saturday......
Yeah ... Those were my thoughts as well ... The overnight lows aren't good after tomorrow and the end of the week doesn't look too great either ... Bummer!
Anyone been to WF since Sunday? Just wondering how it's holding up. Top of Sky was getting bony in the ususal spot, dropping in around Cloudspin side worked well to avoid it.
You should have posted something on the blog ... Could have met up for a run or two!
Thanks man ,You're very kind , but frankly now i would be well below your pay grade skill wise and hold you up . Always enjoy reading your posts ??
What do you WF locals think? If I made the drive, is there a chance they don’t open the summit? How bad is it getting? What’s the overall picture look like for Saturday?