Whiteface Conditions

Great day! First time Empire has been open in my roughly 20 trips to WF. Worth the wait, some rocks in spots, but I love the steep, narrow soft bumps. Upper Mackenzie also really great ungroomed run. I don’t know the name but the woods to skiers left right before lower Mack were awesome.

skyward was ok, exhausting skiing on chipped up heavy snow.

And, right now ~3:30 it is snowing super hard outside our condo.

Last few years WF has been my Nov/April destination so it had been a long time since I have seen almost the entire mountain open with little ice or wind so today was a great day for me and my son and friends. Hit so many runs that have always been closed on past visits: Wilderness, Mackenzie, Empire, Lower Skyward - can’t tell you how many times I have taken the chair over Lower Skyward and never been able to ski it, and it was GOOD. But run of day was Wilmington at 930am - a little late for us as drive from Queensbury took twice my usual 1hr 15.
Yeah ... A bit of a disappointment, but still had a good time. Definitely had to be on your toes in the morning with the thin crust on top! Had fun trying to keep up with AdkMike!!! Hopefully we'll do it again soon. Assuming this all gets groomed in tonight, I would expect tomorrow to be an awesome packed powder, groomers kind of day!!!

I think I was trying to keep up with you on several occasions - 5 ejections will set you back a bit!

Definitely a fun morning and some work to ski it - big bumps had formed in areas.

should groom out nice I’d think
my new definition of hell....in lake placid...but too much work...and so, the mountain is so close...and i am so far. In someways, it is so much easier to be at the office in NYC.
Glad to hear all the great reports. Was supposed to go to gore today but scrapped it. We’re driving up tomorrow to WF for Thursday and Friday skiing and if luck is on our side Saturday too!
I briefly considered jumping in the car yesterday evening, with some forecasts floating the idea of up to 18”. Glad the Friday potential made me put that idea aside. At least this was a base building event, and cold snow could make for a great Friday. Thinking about driving up Tuesday afternoon to get Friday in, if that storm looks like it will pan out. If you think you’ll be around let me know.

No Slides?
Don’t think slides are happening for a bit after today’s weather...did it all snow, sleet, rain, temp drop, crusted, etc...groomers should be nice tho net positive result on snowfall
Another fun day. My daughter and I went up expecting to do a couple hours of groomers, but much to my surprise Empire and Upper Mackenzie were both open. In short
, groomed stuff was really good, ungroomed was more variable but still in play and fun to ski.

upper empire was much softer than I thought it would be. We loved it, but some other skiers on the trail were definitely not feeling the rock vibe. Lower empire was garbage, the soft snow from yesterday refroze into a mess.

upper Mack was great, really soft for first 10 or so turns, then got real firm all of a sudden. The moguls were well formed and large enough that it was still quite skiable, unlike lower empire. Definitely not west coast bumps, but for us it was a ton of fun, we did it 5 or 6 times.

moguls on Victoria were good, a little bit smoother than the one on upper Mack. Off Broadway also had some nice bumps.

given how bad lower empire was we decided it best to stay out of the trees.
Still hoping for a few inches but looking less likely each time I check the weather report.