Whiteface Conditions

A proposed resolution estimates ~5000K for the double in the other wherases, along with:
"WHEREAS, as part of the Olympic Authority’s continuing efforts to improve its venues, the Olympic Authority proposes the removal of the Mountain Run lift on Little Whiteface at the Whiteface Mountain Ski Center, and the replacement of the existing Little Whiteface Fixed Grip Double Lift with a new Fixed Grip Double Lift; and.
WHEREAS, the work will include new towers and foundations below the existing Mid/Intermediate Terminal, the re-purposing of the existing towers and foundations above the existing Mid/Intermediate Terminal (Project);
So the "booby tree" as my kids call it should still live !! since the towers will stay.
It’s high up and folks try to minimize impacts up there, so there’s that.
One of the other resolutions has a couple million for pump house 1 upgrade.
The Show starts at 1 today.
One of the other resolutions has a couple million for pump house 1 upgrade.
Resolution was approved today. There was a discussion about frazzle ice + other stuff coming from The Ausable.
Said folks working with NYS DEC and Army Corp of Engineers to figure how best to improve situation.
If you’re interested listen to the meeting where it was discussed.
A proposed resolution estimates ~5000K for the double in the other wherases, along with:
"WHEREAS, as part of the Olympic Authority’s continuing efforts to improve its venues, the Olympic Authority proposes the removal of the Mountain Run lift on Little Whiteface at the Whiteface Mountain Ski Center, and the replacement of the existing Little Whiteface Fixed Grip Double Lift with a new Fixed Grip Double Lift; and.
WHEREAS, the work will include new towers and foundations below the existing Mid/Intermediate Terminal, the re-purposing of the existing towers and foundations above the existing Mid/Intermediate Terminal (Project);
More from liftblog.
Resolution was approved today. There was a discussion about frazzle ice + other stuff coming from The Ausable.
Said folks working with NYS DEC and Army Corp of Engineers to figure how best to improve situation.
If you’re interested listen to the meeting where it was discussed.
It ain’t frazzle, it’s frazil.
It's expensive ..it comes from "frazile"
They keep rehashing the same "study" that "by 2050, Lake Placid will be one of 4 sites that can host the olympics". They're so delusional that they think they are ever going to get another Olympics. It's never going to happen, and they shouldn't be wasting their time, and taxpayer dollars on it. It's like they have to include that in every article about capital improvements and they can't just make common sense upgrades to improve the ski experience, like everyone else, including Gore and Belleayre.
According to Google AI -> "The 2024 Paris Winter Olympics are estimated to have 15 million visitors"
They keep rehashing the same "study" that "by 2050, Lake Placid will be one of 4 sites that can host the olympics". They're so delusional that they think they are ever going to get another Olympics. It's never going to happen, and they shouldn't be wasting their time, and taxpayer dollars on it.
Spending money for a big windshield for The Ho Jump to have it be more reliable is noteworthy. While they’re at whatabout buying a few & put in a windshield for Ruby Run at Gore? Paragliding-skimo could become a winter olympic sport by 2050 too.
and they can't just make common sense upgrades to improve the ski experience, like everyone else, including Gore and Belleayre.
They’re still making snowmaking & lift capital upgrades to all 3 areas.
How about NYS throwing a bone to the other NY ski areas not in The Hudson River watershed?
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