Whiteface Conditions

Not conditions related (mea culpa)…..but Picked Pig, who knew?

Thanks Snowcopeclipse!
On tomorrow's ORDA board agenda:

l. Resolution # 534 - Resolution Committee Capital and Granting Approval for the President & CEO to Enter Into Agreements for the Whiteface Mountain Little Whiteface Lift Replacement

From what Aaron said on a podcast, and according to Liftblog, it's getting replaced with another double. Liftblog has it as a 2025 installation.
On tomorrow's ORDA board agenda:

l. Resolution # 534 - Resolution Committee Capital and Granting Approval for the President & CEO to Enter Into Agreements for the Whiteface Mountain Little Whiteface Lift Replacement

From what Aaron said on a podcast, and according to Liftblog, it's getting replaced with another double. Liftblog has it as a 2025 installation.
Well, that's not a bad thing. Not what I would have placed at the top of the list though. Thanks for posting that.
On tomorrow's ORDA board agenda:

l. Resolution # 534 - Resolution Committee Capital and Granting Approval for the President & CEO to Enter Into Agreements for the Whiteface Mountain Little Whiteface Lift Replacement

From what Aaron said on a podcast, and according to Liftblog, it's getting replaced with another double. Liftblog has it as a 2025 installation.
I had every intention of attending tomorrow's ORDA meeting, but band rehearsal calls.
Glad to see Little Whiteface replaced, but with another double? Seriously, what is this? 1960? It needs to be at least a fixed grip quad, like all the other new ORDA lifts. A double will be less wind resistant and have insufficient capacity for days when the gondola is on wind hold.
Rode the Little Whiteface Chair for the first time on Sunday. What an awesome lift. They were loading every other chair. 😬 I suppose they will double the capacity with a new double if they can load all of the chairs.

I wonder if they keep it a double they can use the existing towers and some of the infrastructure