Whiteface Conditions

Rode the Little Whiteface Chair for the first time on Sunday. What an awesome lift. They were loading every other chair. šŸ˜¬ I suppose they will double the capacity with a new double if they can load all of the chairs.

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They were only loading every other chair while the Gondola was down, as far as I could tell. When the Gondola isnā€™t running the LW chair is critical so I can see why itā€™s prioritized over other things. While a Quad would have merits, how much more would they spend for capacity that might not be needed? Would a Quad require more clearing along the lift line?
Glad to see Little Whiteface replaced, but with another double? Seriously, what is this? 1960? It needs to be at least a fixed grip quad, like all the other new ORDA lifts. A double will be less wind resistant and have insufficient capacity for days when the gondola is on wind hold.
I actually really enjoy a double. There's something lost in a quad even though it's more functional for sure. My only issue with this is that I would rather see the reservoir and replacing the summit chair have higher priority.
A quad and a gondola dumping people at the same spot could create a traffic jam.
They have been running every other chair when it gets busy because the bearings over heat - its only a matter of time before a real issue occurs,
I actually really enjoy a double. There's something lost in a quad even though it's more functional for sure. My only issue with this is that I would rather see the reservoir and replacing the summit chair have higher priority.
I don't enjoy them. The chairs are cramped, and if you're in an odd numbered group, then someone has to ride alone. They shouldn't be built in the 2020s. The other two ORDA mountains went with quads on all of their recent lifts. Whiteface should be doing the same.

I don't buy the concerns about overcrowding the trails. The gondola has a real throughput of about 1200 per hour. The double is 800 per hour. There are plenty of trails off Little Whiteface, and a lower capacity quad (1600-1800 per hour) would've been well within the comfortable limit for the terrain.
I donā€™t think Quad capacity would get put to use unless the Gondola is down, so I donā€™t think overcrowding on LW summit with the Gondi and the Quad dumping people would be an issue. The LW chair gets its heaviest use when the Gondola has an issue. Sure, on a Holiday weekend a few more people may bypass the Gondola and head for the LW chair. Otherwise, when lines are short, which they mostly are, not many are passing up the Gondola for the LW chair, IMHO. Itā€™s not like putting Quad to the LW summit is going to bring in more skiers.
The chairs are cramped, and if you're in an odd numbered group, then someone has to ride alone.
Itā€™s called snuggling, itā€™s a good thing.

I was in an odd group so ended up pairing with a single. Met a really cool woman who is a high school biology teacher. She told me all about raising her kids there who are now adults. Said it was her most favorite lift of all sheā€™s ever ridden. I could see why.

Long live double chairs!
How Whitefacey but classic ORDA. They are really screwing the pooch on this one. They really should put in a single for the 1940s feel. The idea of a 1960s double is so outre.
Not what I would have placed at the top of the list though.
To me it's been at the top of this list for several years.

I can't believe they are replacing it with a double. So cool!

Honestly I didn't know if they still made them. Can I assume it's going to be new?
On tomorrow's ORDA board agenda:

l. Resolution # 534 - Resolution Committee Capital and Granting Approval for the President & CEO to Enter Into Agreements for the Whiteface Mountain Little Whiteface Lift Replacement

From what Aaron said on a podcast, and according to Liftblog, it's getting replaced with another double. Liftblog has it as a 2025 installation.
Could be a "Doppelmayr 2-CLF "Little Whitefaceā€"
I wonder if they keep it a double they can use the existing towers and some of the infrastructure
Looks like Doppelmayr sells parts for Halls.
They usually have discussion of rational before the vote.
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