Whiteface Conditions

Noob question - is a Recco reflector considered an avalanche beacon. If not - why ? (I don't know enough about either of them)
Recco is a reflector not a beacon, meaning Recco does not send out a signal nor is able to retrieve one. ;)
Yeah, we had gear.

Funny that some Patrol told you tomorrow may be Gold. Lead Patrol for our Slides group today (more on that later) said that whether the Slides open tomorrow will be entirely dependent on what the weather does tonight. He said it was a good idea to bring gear in case, but didn’t know if they’d actually open. He sure didn’t say they could be Gold.

Today was the strangest Slides experience I’ve ever had. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the focus on safety. When we got there (about 1:15) they were sending in guided groups with a lead and tail Patrol. When we got in the lead was very deliberate. We skied 1 in sections, to safe spots. We were instructed, until we got past the ice falls, about where we could go. Perhaps the cover was thin for the Slides, but to me it seemed a bit overkill. After today I suspect they can clear the Slides earlier and lessen the guide restrictions, but from what I saw them doing today I don’t know about Gold. Gold = Shit Show, and the Slides may not be in good enough shape for that.

We’ll see, but I’ll be lapping the Quad with my pack until they open, if they open!
SP told my son after he asked if they would open "Do you have a shovel and probe?" "Well go get it because it's going to happen."
Then we got there with shovels and probes but no beacons and were told "If you come tomorrow your good." Just wanted to clarify.
We shall see, I’ll just be happy to get in again tomorrow if it happens. While I appreciate less traffic with restrictions, I guess the more the merrier if it goes Gold.
Rip it.

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Silver it was, then Gold around noon…..and then the Summit Quad went down. Done for the day was the word at the lift. Slowly limping the lift to get a full set of chairs unloaded, unless something changes pronto ain’t nobody getting up there by 2:00.

I got three runs in, legs are toast, time for food and booze!