Whiteface Conditions

Coming down heavier at lunch than it was mid morning. Lots of wind affected snow, pretty grippy with lots of deep pockets and some ice in-between. Zero base off piste, my base hates me. Very entertaining being at the top of Cloudsplitter when everyone got an "extreme alert" text saying multiple accidents and traffic on 87. Good luck and safe journeys for any brave souls trying to drive today.
Agree with conditions report - def not complaining tho it’s been great skiing particularly for this season/April
I'm glad the wifi is back where we are staying so I could see this, whole town was down from mid afternoon till this morning, never lost power though.
Power out...
Any chance at human powered skiing?
NYSEG estimates 6pm April 6th for places in the Town of Wilmington.
Don’t know how WF gets it’s juice.

Edit. From WF green colored update.
"April 5 | We have power! Please bear with us as we roll out lift and trail checks. The Gondola will remain on a planned mechanical hold this morning. All other anticipated lifts should be spinning shortly."
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Summit Quad opened around 10am, maybe. 4th Chair. Power outage negated my late start. First run largely untracked on Upper/Lower Sky. Still hit some firm underneath here and there, but nice. Second run Cloudspin was already cut up, but nice. Since then it’s been….





You get the idea. Did I mention it’s nice!

Gondola came on line shortly after noon.
The heard rush to the summit this morning was pretty nuts, things got tracked up quick but I still managed to get what felt like my best run in a while down Upper Skyward. Cloudsplitter Glades were also ripping before lunchtime!



Working on a trip report pending a decision to ride again tomorrow or not, pretty wiped out from the last two days.