Whiteface Conditions

Is the consensus that conditions are worse then years past? When did this start?

Bringing someone in to help upgrade operations could actually be leadership.
IMO, as a pass holder for the past 25 yrs, conditions are maybe a little worse than average. But considering the weather this winter I think WF has done a really good job. They could have groomed the whales out on Lower Sky a little sooner for my personal preference. Overall it seems the same areas that open up first are opening up. Most of the locals i know have the same basic issues year in year out about where they need to blow more snow every year and they never do.
Again, IMO, I don't think bringing in someone new to address the problem is really needed. It's not that hard, listen to the local skiers.
I think they hired Walden to bring international competitions to Lake Placid...
I'm looking forward to more Hole Shot and WUG games, and maybe World Zippy Coaster championships at Gore.

The competitions must go on.
Maybe that’s another reason Belle’s big dog came to LP as it’s currently hosting collegiate national championships during the current heatwave.
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Fixedheeln and I skied Sunday, socked in except the top couple of hundred feet, Monday socked in from the midstation down, and Tuesday, sunny with clouds rolling in. Snowmaking trails had more like late March coverage, thin or bare in spots. That being said the skiing was great spring skiing. Upper Skyward - Niagra - Victoria is as good a run under those conditions as anywhere. Rippin Mt Run was a blast though it was really thin on the middle left. Wilderness had great coverage top to bottom.

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Is the consensus that conditions are worse then years past?
Yes. I think it's more than just the weather. They've been late in making snow in some opportunities when they had the chance. Although there were moments, the snowmaking is no better than it's been over the last few years. There's no way they've been running at full capacity.
Whales are not pushed out resulting in inconsistent coverage. I swear the groomers are told not to put the blade down (because it takes too long and uses too much diesel).
Bringing someone in to help upgrade operations could actually be leadership.
This could be 100% incorrect .....but I heard they leave the whales alone for awhile so the moisture runs out of them a little bit and you are left with a drier snow.
Also when there's a drastic change from warm to cold, it is usually because of a storm front....the wind and rain churn up the Ausable River - they need the sediment to settle back down before turning on the water pumps.
I heard they leave the whales alone for awhile so the moisture runs out of them a little bit and you are left with a drier snow.
This is true. I guess the question is how long to you let them drain? I'd thought ~48 hours was somewhat normal.
This is true. I guess the question is how long to you let them drain? I'd thought ~48 hours was somewhat normal.
I think it's called curing. While it makes sense - or to keep them around if warm weather is approaching (more volume, less surface area = less loss of snow), some of them have been left for weeks, i.e. Lower Skyward. And when they are pushed out, WF often leaves very obvious humps.