Whiteface Conditions

WF is messed up. Todays ski report said Skyward is open ungroomed w Whales, but the Summit Chair wasn't even running, but Niagara was open????
WF is messed up. Todays ski report said Skyward is open ungroomed w Whales, but the Summit Chair wasn't even running, but Niagara was open????
Summit lift had mechanical issues and did not open today. Bad on marketing to not pick up the error.
IDK about mechanical issues. I do know that the big storms have missed the Tri Lakes so far this winter.
What's going on with the pumps?
Word was that one of the two intake systems (by the river) was out of commission for the season. And a compressor - I think it was a compressor - is pooched for the year. I think they have 8, maybe 6 compressors. I wish they would be more up front with the goings on. People understand that excrement happens.
Last weekend - Bear's Den ...that thursday before, the sprinkler system broke . wiping out the back room they used for ski school and a spill over for guests. Also had a bunch of bag racks in that room. As of last weekend, the room was closed, the bag racks were in the main room and about 8-10 tables were removed from the main room. Sunday was a cluster with ski programs and the community ski programs running out of Bear's Den. No tables open. Stay away from Bear's Den on Sundays.
Really good day today with about 3-4" of fresh from mid sation up. Lots of firm and sugar down below. Kinda busy today with the ESG being hosted.
Bear Den totally open and the main bathrooms opened up midday.
Good to hear something positive....

We will be there Sunday and Monday. Can't wait.