Whiteface Conditions

Good for u all. 90 plus percent of the time rain skiing has been good for me. Soft snow.

It is the day after temp s drop post rain that is no good.

We had 16 ten year old girls over to watch princess bride for my girl’s bday and some boys here to play with our son.

I think I ll be in bed by 9:30.
Freezing rain at summit as of right now. Wonder if it will change by the end of the day. Looks like snow over river at bush, Bolton, Stowe
Everything I've read says it will change over.
The summit conditions were posted on the summit lift shack...ungroomed and zero visibility. Parons was skiing by braile but
was pretty good today. The top had something falling and it seemed to help the skiing. The lower part of Essex was open with a sort of bump line. A full cycle of Gondi to Little Whiteface and to the summit lift and down is approximately 4200 vertical feet of skiing. Not a Gondi fan but it was a work day and the Gondi was dry. Fun day. Looks like more should be coming on line soon.
I rode the new lift on opening day. It makes it a whole lot easier to get out of Bear Den, but I still find that it's awkwardly located. Beginners who intend to lap it will end up at the main base instead, without an easy way to get back.

Of course, I took a bunch of pictures:

















We rode it a few times - in the morning, i swear...it had a new car smell :D
I always boot up at Bear's Den, so for me, I like it....i have seen Falcon Flyer get long lines with beginners and the lift slowing or stopping to help people. I've "hiked" up to Porcupine Pass if it's really jammed. Personally, The Notch will help me out.
Saturday skiing was beautiful ! There was some sun early on, I felt like the summit held up pretty good all day, same for the rest of the mountain. No complaints here - I feel like they have done a great job with what they have. Looking forward to next weekend and the start of the kid's programs.