Whiteface Conditions

Not sure why they would have a turn in the lift. Should be a straight shot. They clearly need to widen The beginner trail, Boreen Loop? If they are dumping beginners off that quad. Also the trail at the bottom of Wilmington that goes over to bear den will need to be widened.
They'd have to go up and over that ridge if it were a straight shot. It would be highly susceptible to wind holds and be nearly impossible to evac. The lift will have two haulropes with a double groove bullwheel at the angle station. There is only one drive, which will be at the bottom, and both the top and bottom will have tensioning. It'll end just above the lodge on looker's right.

It was the old Southridge triple. It was a one of a kind lift. It ran in only one direction on all lift towers. It went up on angle to a mid station made a left turn and headed to its top terminus before turning and returning straight down to the bottom loading terminal.

Lol I remember the South Ridge very well. I had my poles hanging from the bar . Old Scott breakaway grips. Riding up blissfully unaware of the mid station. Suddenly the chair swung back as my poles drug across the ramp. $&&@@!?