Whiteface Conditions

That’s how you learn
Me thinks you are too easy on the yutes of today. There are just things in life that don’t need be tried and failed to know it was a bad idea. Hot poker in your eye, bad idea sans trying. Jam your
johnson on a cheese grater. I can only hope they can figure, bad idea. Straight lining 25 feet of mud and rock on skis….I’d put that up there! Shouldn’t have to lose teeth to figure, bad idea.

Show of hands. Your one eyed, d&@kless progeny son comes home from skiing with two missing teeth and a separate shoulder for want of straight lining mud and rock. Who’s sayin’ “Gee, son, I’m glad you tried that, there’s no other way you could have known!”
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Anyone know what they are building by the bottom of the little whiteface double? On the webcam a couple of weeks ago you could see there was an excavator in there. Now they have the area blacked out on the webcam.
Maybe something related to the new chair lift from Bears Den that ends at Legacy Lodge ....the top parking lot on the Wilmington side is full of new chair lift parts. Gonna be a busy summer for them.
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