Whiteface Conditions

Happy Belated Halloween. I didn't know where to put this but it fits here. I got my October turns in my attempt to ski every month in my first year of my 7th decade...This gives you a good idea how far skiing was available. From my phone data I walked 7.5 miles and skied just under 3. 3 inches or so powder at the top...frozen rubble when I took my skis off at about 3000' vertical...wet pavement at the bottom. It was a beautiful day so my ski down was shortened a bit. and we're off...
Does anyone here know what the hours of operation will be for the new lift? If it opens at 8:30 my follow up question is if they will push the opening time of LWF lift up to 8:30 from 9AM. It would be a nice option for morning skiing as the parking up at Bear Den is great at that time.