Whiteface Conditions

Agreed, very good day! Wet....tiring....weird.....but good. Yes, Skyward and Niagara opened in the afternoon. After we were done eating sandwiches in the car Skyward was open.

Everything skied well. Overall I’d say 6 inches was fair, maybe slightly more up high. Some decent wet powder runs early, and the wet packed powder also skied well. Upper Sky was fun, but different. The least snow I think I’ve ever seen on it, kind of skied more like Cloud down the skiers right. Big whales down the middle.

Hopefully the wet pack doesn’t set up too firm overnight, but I’m sure they will groom everything in well. That, and the Winter Storm Warning continues until 4pm tomorrow, another 6 plus possible as the snow ramps up again overnight and tomorrow.

I was shocked at the lack of crowds. From talking to Ron Kon waiting for first gondola, right to the end of the day, the lifts were walk on. Kind of sad almost, knowing what MLK weekend should be....but I’ll take it.
Nice sounds like things should be excellent tmrw if it keeps snowing which it currently is at 2k in LP. Will be there tmrw morning I’m assuming wind wasnt an issue at all based on your post
I learned the hard way that Chevy Weekend was always a weekend to avoid, made worse by the fact that they can't seem to get Lookout open by then. Last season, I was told they eactually reduced the Chevy crowds a lot. They still had the event as usual, but for those who got free tickets online, they were allowed to use them at any point for the rest of the season, not just that weekend. Obviously this year there are no events.

Whiteface has been much less crowded than Gore this year. I believe there are two factors. One being that there are no Canadians due to the border closure, and two being that they aren't getting as much spillover from Vermont as Gore is. I considered going to Whiteface today, but I went to Gore because I didn't want to do the longer drive in messy weather.

Next week looks great for snowmaking. Time to get serious about opening Wilmington.
Funny....we’ve been going to Chevy Weekends probably for as long as they had them, and we’ve never felt that way.
Really nice today. Maybe another couple inches. Windier today, but not enough to impact lift ops. Skyward was good, a little sketchy at top, but super soft after the start. Trails off LWF all good. More people, but not really crowded.
Really nice today. Maybe another couple inches. Windier today, but not enough to impact lift ops. Skyward was good, a little sketchy at top, but super soft after the start. Trails off LWF all good. More people, but not really crowded.
You can’t get a more accurate report than that! Conditions were really nice, everything skied really well. Lines were pretty short. Another good snowstorm or two should put a lot more terrain in play.
This weekend certainly had the best conditions of the season so far. As others mentioned, the snow on Saturday was very wet and heavy ... I found some nice stashes of dryer, lighter snow on Paron's Run, but I left before they opened Skyward. The biggest problem on Saturday was visibility ... I don't know about anyone else, but the biggest problem with having to wear a mask is that my goggles fog up horribly ... I just can't seem to figure out a solution for this. I ended up skiing most of the day on Saturday with nothing, squinting through the falling snow ... it was brutal!

Conditions Sunday were great, though I only skied the Face Lift. My daughter was visiting for the weekend and it was her first time on skis since an ACL repair a few seasons ago, so we took it really easy. It was the perfect day, conditions-wise, for her to get back out there.

A lot busier yesterday than it was Saturday. I have to say, in my opinion, they are doing an outstanding job of managing the lift lines. The corrals are well organized, people are spaced out pretty well, and almost everyone is wearing masks.

I still can't figure out why they haven't tried to get Essex open.
Regarding masks, I use the masks from ”ski the east” and I don’t fog unless I am breathing extremely heavily. Everyone’s face is a little different, and what works for me might not for you, but FWIW no one in my family has complained about fogging.

It was very difficult to see on Saturday. The snow melting on my goggles combined with the flat light and 3d nature of the snow surface had me goggles up and squinting at times as well.