Whiteface Conditions

The shuttle is actually still running, it’s just on a reduced schedule. There are I think two runs in the morning and two later in the day.

The shuttle is definitely catering to the J1 visa crew. I was on it early Friday morning, 7:12 pickup at Crowne Plaza and it filled up with them to standing room only. The driver gave every one of them a new schedule and said it takes effect Monday.
A good amount of snow fell. Well over a foot, but I don't think it will reach the 18" mark as claimed. Also, some wind at the top. Drifts and legit closure of the gondola and LWF.
Skiied Upper Empire, Sugar Valley Glades, Deer Valley Glades. Man, Sugar Valley Glades are tight. And there's no escape point for either.....I'm guessing at least a mile and a half of pure glade. Coverage was good. Snow was a bit wind blown and on the heavier side. Read: a lot of work.
Just saw that Hoyt's is open. I'd ski that, but only with rock skis and no more than 6 or 8 turns at a time (to judge coverage).
The groomers tomorrow should be sa-weet.
Sorry if this is off topic but it is about Whiteface. I've never skied Whiteface and I would like to try and get there in the next few days or week or so. Unfortunately my wife has been sidelined due to a knee injury so she can't ski. Since she would be making the 5 hour drive w/me from the Rochester area to LP I'd like to know what she might be able to do while I ski? Aside from going back to the LP village is there anything at the mountain for a non-skier to do? Do the lodges have any comfortable and pleasant areas to hang out in for 5 hours? She is fully mobile and can walk just fine, she just can't ski. Any guidance for how a non-skier might not have a totally boring day by themselves would be appreciated.
I always have a good time wandering around Lake Placid or Saranac Lake. How about she drops you off at Whiteface and takes the car to go exploring? It's really a short drive back to LP.
I always have a good time wandering around Lake Placid or Saranac Lake. How about she drops you off at Whiteface and takes the car to go exploring? It's really a short drive back to LP.
Totally agree Marz ,That makes infinitely more sense .

Hanging in the Lodge meh , wandering Main st shoppes .and other venues....time better spent.We live 90 minutes away and are there year round . Placid rocks
Totally agree Marz ,That makes infinitely more sense .

Hanging in the Lodge meh , wandering Main st shoppes .and other venues....time better spent.We live 90 minutes away and are there year round . Placid rocks
The Olympic museum was redone & should have some interesting Lake Placid history.
Conditions, objectively terrible. There’s a few trails where you can make some not entirely unpleasant turns, and we even have had a little fun in a few spots. Nothing off the groomers is worth doing. Skiing this am with DB and Face was fun. Time to get back at it!
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Yep ... Pretty rough today. Oddly enough, Skyward and The Wilmington Trail were probably the best.

Last Sunday I said if you didn't have a great day, you were probably doing it wrong ... If you had a great day today, you were probably in the bar!!!

Nice to meet & take some runs with you as well JTG ... Tomorrow's another day ...