What a difference a day makes ... An outstanding morning, but you needed to be there early ... Really good grooming overnight on Essex, Upper Northway, Victoria & Lower Skyward, with 2 - 3 inches of new snow on top, depending on how you played the wind. In some spots, 6 - 8 inches of wind-blown snow on the edges alongside wind-scoured crust.
The wind was really ripping ... I was surprised they were able to have all of the lifts running. Visibility was extremely challenging at times, between cloud cover and blowing snow. Skied the Wilmington Trail in near whiteout conditions from the top to Lookout Below. Almost hit a snow-board who was on the ground ... didn't see him until i was practically on top of him. On a run down Upper Skyward, zero visibility from the top to the Switchbacks. I we had come 10 minutes later, visibility would have been fine! The clouds were moving in and out that quickly.
By 11:00, the wind had really done a fair amount of damage. There was still plenty of snow to be found, but I decided to call it quits a little before noon. I had a great morning, and didn't see much likelihood of it getting any better.