Where are you skiing this week?

Likely sticking with my locals. The VIC, the Ho, Dewey Mt, Cascade. So warm today, I'm going to Lake Colby to work on my suntan :cool:. Curious to see what remains tomorrow.

The Ho has a couple of massive piles of machine made snow ready to touch up the World Cup loops for the SuperTour.

Between the shoulder injury and a cold, I lost 3 weeks this winter. Fifty days gonna be a challenge.
I'm aiming for a Gore day on Wednesday. Anyone know if they're likely to have the Ski Bowl area open? I usually don't get to Gore until late season and it's always midweek, so I've never been there when it's open.
$1 lift tickets at Swain in WNY on Weds (3/19). Hours will be 1-9pm.
Fun offering that I believe they do annually towards the end of the season.
