Plenty of young people like skiing. Plenty of young people like talking about skiing. Not a lot of young people like talking about old guy bullshit (old guy music, old guy hobbies, old guy food, old guy vehicles, etc.).
If the forum was more interesting to young people, it would attract more young people.
Anyway, about retirement (?):
Retirement is a dream for a lot of people because “retirement” really means “pursuing the things that I want to do and not being beholden to the wishes of a boss, client, etc”. So when people (especially young people) say: I want to retire and move to the mountains (or beach or whatever) they usually mean: I want to quit my job and live in an environment more conducive to outdoor pursuits. They might not even retire! They might do things like property management, investment management, airb&b operation, part time ski shop employment, other seasonal work (for instance, I’d like to be a park ranger out west for a summer or two), travel planning, trip guiding, photography, etc.
People have weird ideas of life. There are so many paths to the end, it’s wild that so many people focus on doing things the way everyone else is doing things.
Anyway, as DomB says, there are many ways to get health insurance outside of employment. One way to do that (in some states) is to be asset rich and income poor, thereby allowing you to access cheaper health insurance (if you do the research, there are all sorts of ways to hack our ridiculous, garbage system. Here’s one for tax avoidance:
Anyway, I’m off to go mountain biking and play golf. Have fun talking about Rush or Styx or whatever.