What is your dream?

PS - on point 2, my wife rolls her eyes when I mention the van, but my daughter loves it, as she is hoping it will be a barbie-type camper.
Dom : Good on ya young dude , you ARE making all the right moves and with your analytical skills and financial discipline you ONLY have to stay healthy and whatever you decide will most likely be attainable .. Again kudos for both sharing and planning for your family's "Preferred " Future
Warp - appreciate the positive feedback! Doing what I can on the health front though I could be better - I have to focus on losing 10 pounds but that small part of it is certainly within my control.

It is interesting being a planner - I have to remind myself to stay in the moment. Ironically just moved a father's day collage that I never managed to bring into work into my home office (home office being a corner of the kids basement playroom). It has pictures of us walking on a local nature preserve on the Long Island waterfront and the woods of the Trapp's property in Stowe. Not a bad combo :)

During summer, we quarantined and did a week in Stowe staying on a condo on the rec path. I haven't spent much time in Stowe in peak summer (almost annual trips always in off peak times as a kid because it much cheaper - think mud season), but I was blown away. A bike and a spot on the rec path and almost everything is at your fingertips there.
I think this is why Benny is predicting doom for our sport. ?
Plenty of young people like skiing. Plenty of young people like talking about skiing. Not a lot of young people like talking about old guy bullshit (old guy music, old guy hobbies, old guy food, old guy vehicles, etc.).

If the forum was more interesting to young people, it would attract more young people.

Anyway, about retirement (?):

Retirement is a dream for a lot of people because “retirement” really means “pursuing the things that I want to do and not being beholden to the wishes of a boss, client, etc”. So when people (especially young people) say: I want to retire and move to the mountains (or beach or whatever) they usually mean: I want to quit my job and live in an environment more conducive to outdoor pursuits. They might not even retire! They might do things like property management, investment management, airb&b operation, part time ski shop employment, other seasonal work (for instance, I’d like to be a park ranger out west for a summer or two), travel planning, trip guiding, photography, etc.

People have weird ideas of life. There are so many paths to the end, it’s wild that so many people focus on doing things the way everyone else is doing things.

Anyway, as DomB says, there are many ways to get health insurance outside of employment. One way to do that (in some states) is to be asset rich and income poor, thereby allowing you to access cheaper health insurance (if you do the research, there are all sorts of ways to hack our ridiculous, garbage system. Here’s one for tax avoidance: https://rootofgood.com/make-six-figure-income-pay-no-tax/).

Anyway, I’m off to go mountain biking and play golf. Have fun talking about Rush or Styx or whatever.
Haha.....he considers himself young!

We “hiked” to the Stone Church yesterday afternoon, you should be familiar with that one...does that make me “young” too?
Ha I didn't read it that way.

Hey you talk about what you care about that won't change. If you are an old guy, you talk about old guy stuff. I think the average age of skiers is around 40, but the average age of people who ski more than average is older. I guess to ski you need money, to ski a lot you need time.

This is interesting to me. I haven't thought too much about the tax I pay, beyond contributing as much as (I think) I can afford to retirement accounts. I'm sure I could do more if I cut out skiing, but that's not happening. I do see that as I get older, advertisers are hammering me with messages about reducing taxes in retirement.

I thought the old hack was, "it's not how much you make, it's how much you keep." This guy takes it farther, it seems like low taxes is his primary goal.

It seems weird to me to talk about having kids as part of a tax strategy. Putting that aside, having kids may reduce your taxes, but it I doubt it improves your "bottom line." For me it's in the same category as skiing, did it because I wanted too, not because it was financially smart.
PS - on point 2, my wife rolls her eyes when I mention the van, but my daughter loves it, as she is hoping it will be a barbie-type camper.

Interesting. One of my friends has an idea about living out of an RV or trailer when he and his wife retire. He postulated traveling parallel to the Continental Divide.
Plenty of young people like skiing. Plenty of young people like talking about skiing. Not a lot of young people like talking about old guy bullshit (old guy music, old guy hobbies, old guy food, old guy vehicles, etc.).

If the forum was more interesting to young people, it would attract more young people.

Anyway, about retirement (?):

Retirement is a dream for a lot of people because “retirement” really means “pursuing the things that I want to do and not being beholden to the wishes of a boss, client, etc”. So when people (especially young people) say: I want to retire and move to the mountains (or beach or whatever) they usually mean: I want to quit my job and live in an environment more conducive to outdoor pursuits. They might not even retire! They might do things like property management, investment management, airb&b operation, part time ski shop employment, other seasonal work (for instance, I’d like to be a park ranger out west for a summer or two), travel planning, trip guiding, photography, etc.

People have weird ideas of life. There are so many paths to the end, it’s wild that so many people focus on doing things the way everyone else is doing things.

Anyway, as DomB says, there are many ways to get health insurance outside of employment. One way to do that (in some states) is to be asset rich and income poor, thereby allowing you to access cheaper health insurance (if you do the research, there are all sorts of ways to hack our ridiculous, garbage system. Here’s one for tax avoidance: https://rootofgood.com/make-six-figure-income-pay-no-tax/).

Anyway, I’m off to go mountain biking and play golf. Have fun talking about Rush or Styx or whatever.

Styx is banal, and Rush... well they had some good tunes but I'm not particularly a Rush fan, and I'm older than dirt. Speaking with a mind to be inclusive, I'd invite you to post about cars, music, food, shred etc, that appeals to you.
guess to ski you need money, to ski a lot you need time.

I have enough money to ski and I finally have time!!! You can bet ur ass if we're lucky enough to have POW my ass will be skiing. The frost we had the other day got me pumped and also reminded me I better get my ass in gear and get my heat in for the winter.
Ha I didn't read it that way..
Jump Turn Guy has a problem with reading comprehension. I didn’t say or imply that I was young at all during that post (even though I know I’m younger than you old curmudgeons ?)
Hey, some are just better at reading between your lines than others! :p

Then again, maybe you didn’t mean anything by criticizing the site and the stupid stuff us old guys talk about, whilst you are off biking, hiking and doing the stuff you seem to believe the curmudgeon don’t? If that’s the case, mea culpa!

Seriously, I’m sorry.....