Uphill Battle

Good for him. I know some other mountain owners who would have handled that without the police, if you know what I mean.
People who think they deserve everything. If they can't come up with money for an uphill pass and a couple pints after laying out coin for the gear, eff 'em.
Copied and pasted from Stowe Mountain Rescue's FB page:

"We have an urgent request to all uphill skiers at the Stowe Mountain Resort. Please observe all signage and stay away from the winch cat groomers. This morning grooming operations had to be put on hold because some skiers actually skied over the active winch cat cable on their glory run down. Yes, you read that right.

Please understand that we’re not just asking this out of respect for the resort’s right to get the mountain ready for their paying guests (though that alone is a valid reason). No, this is a pressing safety issue. Winch cats are extremely dangerous because their cable is under incredibly high tension. If that thing were to break in your vicinity, it would kill you in a second. It’s also a horrible clothesline injury waiting to happen. Think about it: the resort saw uphill skiers in their winch cat grooming area and their response was to shut down the whole operation – THAT’S how dangerous it is.

PLEASE be respectful and stay on the designated trails and away from grooming operations. And please pass this message along to anyone even thinking about skinning the mountain."
And don’t ski over snowmaking hoses while you’re at it. Seems like common sense but you still see it from time to time.
@BRLKED any word on Raymond Brook shuttle this year?
Copied and pasted from Stowe Mountain Rescue's FB page:

"..... some skiers actually skied over the active winch cat cable on their glory run down. Yes, you read that right.
Watch the first 15 minutes of Ghost Ship (2002) and that will teach you not to mess with wire cables. That scene is etched in my mind forever.