Uphill Battle

Bad apples
"Ski Free or Die"
Direct reference to this group:

I may have missed it, but does anyone know specific resort policies regarding uphill travel after closing day when there is still significant snow pack on the trails? As we know, closing dates are often dictated by economic factors rather than actual snow conditions. Specifically if anyone has any experience with Windham, as that is my home mountain. The policies listed online can be interpreted differently depending on your perspective / goals. Thanks.
Interpret them in a way that favors what you want to do, be inconspicuous, and don't talk about it til you’re done is my advice.

And then post some pics.
Does Windham allow before lifts spin?

Yes, during "daylight" hours with either a regular season pass or an affordable uphill season pass. Day passes are limited to operational lift hours . The policy seems fairly low-key and as long as you stay out of the way of mountain ops, they seem happy to allow it.
this is why we can't have nice things
Northeast Skimo races.
Are there any in NY yet?