Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

At least the quake didn’t rock the Presidential Range.


Avalanche conditions remain dangerous. Today, avalanches could happen naturally or by human triggers and could be large enough to bury you, multiple people, and damage trees. These dangerous avalanche conditions can be found on all aspects, with the largest on west-facing slopes. Deep drifts of new snow or cracking underneath your feet are signs that conditions are unstable. Today, use conservative decision-making to mitigate hazards today and approach avalanche terrain cautiously.
I love those one inch days when no one is around. I’ll take that over driving for hours for a crowded 30. This is why my home mountain is Belleayre not Jay Peak. Sometimes the stars align and we get 30, like Platty last year. That was cosmic.

Still listening though…
Jay Peak got 30 ❄️ by Friday morning & it’s still snowing.
We just had an earthquake and an eclipse coming on Monday.
Epicenter for the quake & a lighter aftershock were near The Don’s golf course in Jersey.
Wonder if anybody had a putt hanging on the edge then drop in ala Danny Noonan’s on 18 at Bushwood.
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When I lived there, I used to think NJ was safe disaster-wise. But tornadoes, mudslides, earthquakes.... dang state is turning into California of the east coast.
When I lived there, I used to think NJ was safe disaster-wise. But tornadoes, mudslides, earthquakes.... dang state is turning into California of the east coast.
California is amazing in it’s many diverse ecosystems.
Folks used say "Unique New York"...
& Jersey is known as the "Garden State”, it just depends on what's growing.

There’s many nice places in Jersey, but wouldn’t, couldn’t, don’t wanna live there.
Maybe it’s just all about what folks get used to.
We just had an earthquake and an eclipse coming on Monday. Is it the apocalypse or what? What’s next? Locusts? Is it gonna rain frogs?
A band of monoboarders race to capture an elusive snow surfer.

It’s all documented in one of the greatest ski movies of all time.

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