Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

Get yer colanders out as it’s gonna be sunny enough for shadows.

In a pinch can a colander replace a tinfoil hat?
California is amazing in it’s many diverse ecosystems.
Folks used say "Unique New York"...
& Jersey is known as the "Garden State”, it just depends on what's growing.

There’s many nice places in Jersey, but wouldn’t, couldn’t, don’t wanna live there.
Maybe it’s just all about what folks get used to.
It's true.... I lived in Morris County most all of my life before moving. I couldn't imagine living in thew Pine Barrens or by Cherry Hill.
The weather forecast for upstate NY is trending less favorable.

I'd rather have that forecast than the one I'm facing in Mexico, but models agree the farther east you go in the Northeast US, the clearer the forecast.

Powderchaser Steve on OpenSnow was planning to fly to Dallas for the eclipse and instead will land in Boston 8AM Sunday. He has scored a media pass for the Jay Peak tram but may opt for the safer weather forecast at Sugarloaf.

I sometimes get a sense that Harvey's extreme reluctance to travel anywhere out of the way is part of the ethos of this forum. Nonetheless for those whom the eclipse is likely a once-in-a-lifetime experience, a little extra effort to raise the odds of clear skies is well worth it. MadPatSki from Ottawa is also leaning towards Sugarloaf, partly due to its liberal policy of allowing skiers to be where they want on the mountain and only closing lifts for 45 minutes.
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All of this travel for the eclipse is awesome environmentally I bet. I may be a negative Nancy but I just don't get it.
If I see a cloud coming in for totality I might just hike up the bump out back and shake my fist & take a pic if it gets in the way. They’re moving pretty quick today.
Was thinking of fishing 9 mile creek but with the rain lately it’s chocolate milk.
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Harvey's extreme reluctance to travel anywhere out of the way

I don't like to fly. I am flying to Spain this summer, to visit family. FWIW it ain't about dying, I just hate the experience.

I call BS on your theory. I don't see that anyone else is affected by me. I am the exception here. Dozens of members travel out west to ski.

IMO the fact that I am a bit odd, helps make this place unique. If you want jet set, there a several places on the internet to go. FTO, SkiTalk and TGR come to mind.

In art —my interests were ceramics and photography — I was taught to revel in limitation. Photography may be only black and white, but you can still make things that are beautiful. No doubt that skiing primarily in NY and VT is a limitation yet somehow, I always have a great season.

Skiing was excellent today.
In case @TonyC thinks that NEers in general are averse to extreme eclipse chasing ("the NYSB ethos"), my younger brother and his GF ate their hotel reservations (two nights west of Rochester), are driving up I-91 to northern VT right now, and may detour east into Maine depending on the cloud-cover forecast.
Yawn : wake me when this overly hyped "event" is ovah.

As the French are wont to say " chacun a son gout "

The cynic in me says ,It rings true that fools and their money are easily separated or as WC Fields used to say " Suckers are born every minute " 😀😃
Forecast a bit better then it was yesterday in ny.still iffy