Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

Don't know if this has been posted before but I found this to be pretty cool:

I found on First Tracks a copy of the one/inch/30 inch post TGR had on its 32 page eclipse thread. . The first 20 pages before August 21 were the usual mix of some people who were going plus the also expected traffic/crowd paranoia and snark.

The 12 pages after August 21 were quite different, and also not a surprise. Mostly "meh" from those outside totality and awed testimonials from those inside. As a ski analogy, these posts sum it up:

St. Jerry :1w8hnux2 said:
Partial = 1" new
Totality: 30" new

puma:1w8hnux2 said:
I like that.

I was at the office yesterday talking to a few others who experienced the 30" new. As we were recounting it, another colleague walked up to join in the conversation. I asked if he checked out the eclipse, as I figured he had due to the kind a guy he is! He said yeah, it was awesome. We asked where down south did he head...nope, stayed in Portland. The other 30 inchers of blower pow looked at each other...and shook our heads non discreetly...

Not sure I understand someone that lived 30 to 45 minutes from totality not taking the time to get down there...most I know that did not, have admitted they feel like they missed out big. They are right. Not trying to rub anyone's noses in it...but I would say that one must try to see totality once in their life. Unfortunately for those 1 inchers around is going to mean travel. Unfortunately, for them, probably not going to happen if 30 minutes was too much...

NY Skiers: Don't be one inchers!
just say no to FOMO! I'll either be really glad or really bummed I stayed at work for the partial...
Some state workers within the path of totality are being told to telecommute because of the expected traffic nightmare. Seems a bit overblown. Of course the Times Union goes straight to fear mongering: "[t]welve-hour gridlock on remote mountain roads, widespread mobile phone outages from overloaded cell towers, dry gas pumps and police distributing military rations to stranded travelers. All this and more may await visitors to the North Country hoping to get a glimpse of the total solar eclipse on April 8. State Police in Ray Brook have an emergency plan with lengthy guidelines and stern warnings for travelers. The population of many parts of the Adirondack Mountains is expected to double in the days around the event."

I'd put money on it being completely overcast.