Today's Ride

ugh, heal up Andy

'tis the season
Heal well Andy.
The bike can be fixed by springtime. Ya should be healed by then.
Bones and ribs can heal stronger.
Hope ya don’t need to go under the knife.
If the doc gives the go ahead get a big oven mitt for the tips of yer fingers and help when ya gotta buckle up. Tape the pole to it if ya need em.
Thanks. I'm accepting all ideas to get on the slopes. I can be patient and wait till early January if need be.
Where is the runout? What am I missing here? This looks like a wall with no transition to flat ground, super rad by the way but I need some perspective so my brain isn't shattered any further.

You actually head towards the viewers left at that red line that’s about 1/3 up from the bottom of the photo. There’s a decent run out in that direction but you can’t tell from this angle and framing. We also came straight at this location from the viewers left side and sort of just hucked into a big ole sand box.

There will be an edit of the day soon from Pierces POV YouTube channel. I’ll link it up in here once he puts it up on YouTube.