Today's Hike

After four days of isolation in my son’s old room and feeling a lil blue about muffing up our first Christmas with the new granddaughter, I needed to get out and stretch the legs and soothe the soul a bit. I headed for a nearby hike that I’ve passed a hundred times on the bike on the D&L but never done. Objective was to take the AT to the cell towers and loop back via old AT/Blue trail.


Pulled into the lot at Lehigh Gap Nature Center where the Lehigh River bisects the Blue Mountain. It was 5* and the lot was empty, no surprise there - perfect. Sun and southern exposure felt warm as I started to climb.


Seemed like no time until I reached the spring and shelter.


Up to the summit and along the ridge of the Blue Mountain there was just enough snow to squeak which made me smile. A little further on the trail dips onto the North face and got a little slick so I threw on the micro spikes.


View to the North, the Lehigh River below is obscured but the patch in the middle is the zinc mill brownfields, at one time the whole North side of the mountain was barren. I remember passing it as kid this time of year going from the Philly burbs to my grandparents in Watertown and thinking WTF (in 10 yo term of course). Amazing to see it’s regeneration over the years.


I reached the towers and turned back to the Blue trail. View to the south and the valley from which I came.


Being protected from the wind, the return trip along forested south face was beautifully silent with intermittent flurries, only interrupted by the occasional knocking of distant woodpeckers. It didn’t make up for missing my Granddaughters first Christmas but it definitely made me feel better.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Hell’s Hollow to Fishkill Ridge with Powerman

Liriodendron tulipifera
American tulip tree


Wildfire Haze


Carex pensylvanica
Oak sedge



Dozer Junction



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Liriodendron tulipifera
American tulip tree

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Donated two Tulip trees to a golf course a while ago.
They planted them by the pond ya could view from the clubhouse.
One got planted in the backfill from when they dug the pond bigger.
One got planted next to it in “normal dirt”.
The normal dirted one is growing much bigger.
They’re both left of the trap by the green in this drone video (if ya hit play it take’s ya to 50seconds)
They’re great trees with nice yellow wood inside and smell good.
I kicked off my hiking season this weekend in the Canadian Cascades. The snow pack is rapidly disappearing at elevation—which is a bit concerning. On the plus side, I won’t have to wait until late July/August to hit some of the bigger objectives this year.


Chilliwack Lake and the Northern Cascades


Mount Redoubt in WA

Though I’m equidistant between the Coast Mountains and the Cascades, I often choose to hike the Cascades because they’re a bit quieter. Here are some highlights from the last couple seasons hiking in the Cascades.


Mount Redoubt (left) from Mount Lindeman


Mount Lindeman Summit Ridge


Upper Hanging Lake and Hanging Lake Peak


Coquihalla Mountain


Mount Outram
Went out yesterday on a northern Fahnestock loop with Powerman to help prep him for his upcoming Great ADK Trail Run.


We were just going to stretch the legs and ended up running a dang half marathon.

East Mountain



They have done an amazing job constructing a new bike loop recently.

Here is the eroded old School Mountain Road on the right that I used to ride on a rigid bike back in the late eighties. The new one on the left is a dream to ride but it is also great for running.


Kalmia latifolia
Mountain laurel


Dennstaedtia punctilobula
Eastern hay-scented fern


Iris versicolor

Northern blue flag iris


Beaver Pond


My Happy Place


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